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Plastic surgeons warn that the 'Ozempic face' has taken over Hollywood

Plastic surgeons warn that the 'Ozempic face' has taken over Hollywood


Why this long face? Ozempic.

Amid the growing popularity of the weight loss treatment, surgeons believe Hollywood is experiencing a rise in the side effect known as “Ozempic Face.”

Several doctors told the Daily Mail that celebrities, from John Goodman to Sharon Osborne, were among those hardest hit by the suspected illness.

For the uninitiated, some side effects of taking Ozempic include sunken eyes, gaunt cheeks, and sagging skin, often making the user appear older and more deflated.

“The Ozempic face has essentially the same features that we see when patients lose weight quickly or consistently,” said New Jersey plastic surgeon Dr. Smita Ramanadham. told the Daily Mail. “We notice a loss of volume in the face, and when we lose fat in the face we notice signs such as more sunken cheeks, greater sagging of the skin and a general hollowing of the features.”

Jessica said she has never used weight loss medication, but admitted to losing 100 pounds between 2019 and 2020. jessicasimpson/Instagram
Jessica Simpson visits the SiriusXM studios for SiriusXM Town Hall with Jessica Simpson hosted by Andy Cohen on February 5, 2020 in New York City. Getty Images for SiriusXM

The injectable treatment mimics a natural hormone that signals to the brain that it is full, thereby reducing appetite and inducing rapid weight loss.

Ozempic's fat-fighting abilities were understandably all the rage in body-obsessed Hollywood, reportedly leading to the aforementioned increase in “deflation,” according to experts.

After reviewing photos of 15 celebrities who had suffered major weight loss, a panel of surgeons hypothesized that at least half could have suffered from this facial wasting.

Surgeons analyzed the case of actor John Goodman, 71, who lost nearly 200 pounds, half of his heaviest weight since 2007.

Goodman has denied taking Ozempic and the “Roseanne” actor credited dieting, exercising and giving up alcohol for his pilgrimage to lose weight.

“You see more wrinkles, more wrinkles and more deflation on his face as he loses weight compared to when he was heavier and his face was fuller,” Ramanadham said of by Goodman. “These changes are just very typical of overall weight loss, whether or not weight loss medications were used.”

John Goodman has reportedly lost nearly 200 pounds since 2007. Rick Davis /

Also on the list was singer Robbie Williams, 49, who admitted in the fall that he took something “like Ozempic” without specifying the treatment.

Ramanadham thought this was evident on her face, describing: “You can see hollowness under the eyes and cheeks and more wrinkles appearing due to loss of volume.” With Robbie, you can see direct weight loss results.

The “Ozempic face” was less pronounced in women, surgeons said, because they are traditionally more likely to hide flaws with fillers and makeup. However, they cited Sharon Osbourne, who reportedly lost 42 pounds on the drug, as the most “dramatic” example of the condition.

Osbourne on “Good Morning Britain.” Good Morning Britain/ITV

“His eyes seem more sunken, his cheeks are more hollow,” Ramanadham said. “There is also a significant loss of facial volume, and more wrinkles associated with it.”

Other alleged victims of the frown include Jessica Simpson, Scott Disick and Liam Payne, although surgeons attribute the latter's sleek face to buccal fat surgery, in which fat is removed from the cheeks.

Ozempic's face is one of several side effects associated with the drug, 9 million prescriptions of which were written in the last three months of 2022, the Daily Mail reported.

Scott Disick on the beach in Miami on February 22, 2022. MEGA
Scott Disick (right) enjoys a night out with friends, including Jordan Barrett, as they leave dinner at Catch Steak in Los Angeles in 2024. STARS INFLUX THE / BACKGROUND

In addition to making people lose face, the treatment has also been accused of causing vision problems, constipation and even personality changes.

Meanwhile, in January, several Ozempic adherents claimed to have stopped taking the drug and ended up gaining back more weight than they had lost.




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