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When Alia Bhatt spoke about going to therapy every week after the birth of her daughter Raha: I'm working hard on my mental health | Bollywood News

When Alia Bhatt spoke about going to therapy every week after the birth of her daughter Raha: I'm working hard on my mental health |  Bollywood News


Alia Bhatt does not mince his words and has always candidly shared aspects of his life beyond his work in cinema. Whether it's her relationship with her husband Ranbir Kapoor, his daughter Raha Kapooror his fitness routine, the Gangubai Kathiawadi actor has often been open about his personal life, including his mental health journey and his search for therapy.

In a 2023 interview with Vogue India, Alia, then a new mother, opened up about her motherhood journey, emphasizing the importance of taking care of your mental health. Since welcoming daughter Raha in November 2022, Alia said she has been undergoing therapy sessions to navigate the challenges of new motherhood, describing it as an “ever-changing, ever-growing process.” THE Former Student of the Year also recognized the importance of addressing the “healthy level of maternal guilt” that many new mothers experience.

“I always wonder what people think. Do they really think I'm managing well, or are they just saying it to appease me? Even though there is no judgment, you feel very critical of yourself. But I'm working hard on my mental health. I go to therapy every week where I express these fears. And it helps me understand that it's not something I'll be able to figure out on the first day, the fifth day, or even the tenth day; it is a constantly evolving and growing process. You must be able to pick up the pieces of yourself and rebuild each day. There's no such thing as “Oh, I did it…I'm doing great…I have all the answers.” Nobody has all the answers, the actor of the 2 States sharing.

Discussing his experiences in more detail, in a separate interview with journalist Barkha Dutt on Mojo, Alia shared that her weekly therapy sessions provided her with a space to express her fears and accept the lack of a definitive guide to parenting. She stressed that it is crucial to “be able to pick up the pieces of yourself and rebuild every day.”

Beyond her experiences as a mother, Alia also opened up about her longtime struggle with body image issues. The public attention that comes with his profession has led to immense pressure to maintain a certain image and “check certain boxes.” Alia underwent therapy during the lockdown to take care of her mental well-being. In doing so, she became more aware of her weight-related anxieties and actively worked to cope with them in a healthier way.

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It's a constant struggle. Everyone around me would see it, but I wouldn’t see it,” Alia said, adding, “When I started therapy, I did it just for hygiene reasons. To take care of my body, I go to the gym; I also have to take care of my mind. This is something I started during lockdown when everyone was going through a tough time, and I thought it might be a good time to start. I started out as something generic, but what I discovered during these sessions is that I have so many issues when it comes to my weight. I always knew I was anal about my weight because I face the camera.

Alia and Ranbir got married in April 2022 and are currently enjoying their time as first-time parentsraising their daughter, Raha, together. The couple recently celebrated their second wedding anniversary in what looked like an intimate dinner.

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