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David Letterman tortured the actor who played him in a TV movie

David Letterman tortured the actor who played him in a TV movie


Long before they spent millions on CGI dragons andJohn Olivers' Supreme Court earnings, HBO's original content was a bit more low-key. One of their most talked about original films in the 1990s wasThe late shiftbased on the book by Bill Carter, which dramatizes the behind-the-scenes battle between David Letterman and Jay Leno over who would hostTonight's show. Keep in mind that this was at a time whenTonight's show was one of television's most iconic programs, not a platform to peddle sketches.their collections of cartoon primates.

Despite the fact that his replacement was not the one with aDick Tracy-prosthetic chin, Letterman was not very happy with his portrayal in the film. Letterman's character was played by the hilarious John Michael Higgins, who would later appear inWaiting for Guffman, Best in Show and all other mockumentaries directed by Christopher Guest.

At the time, Letterman, who had only seen clips, not the entire film, was critical of Higgins' performance:narrativeWeekly Entertainment, I'm sure he's a good actor, but his performance seems to be good, a circus chimpanzee. He seems crazy, like a budding psychopath. He later said the film was the biggest waste of film since my wedding photos, and once again lambasted Higgins, comparing his portrayal to a psychotic chimpanzee.

Letterman seemed particularly aggrieved by Higgins' hairpiece. He's playing me with red hair, Letterman told Treat Williams in 1996. Williams played Letterman's agent, Michael Ovitz, inThe late shift. When they cast a clip from the film, it was Letterman playing Higgins as Letterman, complete with ill-fitting red wig.

While it's understandable that Letterman wouldn't be thrilled to see his dirty laundry aired on cable television, picking on Higgins, a struggling unknown actor, seems pretty unfair. Higgins later revealed that the main reason he took the job was because heneeded $300 to repair the steering wheel on his Subaru.I was holding a coupon for an $8 haircut, while Letterman hammered me every night on his show. It was so surreal, itsaidThe Boston Globe in 2021.

Letterman ultimately booked Higgins to be a guest onThe late show. As Higgins waited to continue, Letterman joked in his monologue that Higgins was so convincing in his speech.The late shift that he has already been asked not to host the Oscars next year. But after an extended opening segment and appearances from celebrity guests Julia Roberts and James Brown, there was no time left on the show for Higgins.The Los Angeles Times underlines that Letterman bumping into the actor seemed almost as if to punish Higgins for being him in a film he opposed.

My apologies to John Michael Higgins, who plays me inLate post, Letterman said. He will be there as soon as possible. Or he'll be in the lobby, if you're really disappointed, Letterman added with a smile.

Was Higgins really being reserved just so Letterman could bother him? THETimesnoticed a certain mischievous glint in Letterman's eyes when he bumped into the actor, but theLast showstaff assured the press that Higgins would be rescheduled (it was not).

Bill Carter later wrote a sequel toThe late shiftall about theConan-Leno Dramaso maybe one day HBO will make a sequel, preferably with Jim Carrey.

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