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'Homeland' Actor Calls for White Actors to Play Black Roles: 'The Name of the Game is Acting'

'Homeland' Actor Calls for White Actors to Play Black Roles: 'The Name of the Game is Acting'


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“Homeland” actor David Harewood recently put an end to Hollywood's fixation on making sure actors match the identity of the roles they play, going so far as to say that white people should being able to “dress black” and play characters of color.

Harewood, who was recently named president of Britain's drama school the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), took over from actor Kenneth Branagh, who blasted identity politics during casting decisions in a recent interview with The Guardian.

The actor told the British outlet: “We're at this weird point in the profession where people go: Oh, you can't play this role because you're not disabled, or you can't play this because that you're not really from there.”


Actor David Harewood

Actor David Harewood recently argued that white actors should be able to play black characters. (Dave Benett / Contributor, Getty Images)

“The aim of the game is to take action,” he said.

Those who have championed identity politics and diversity quotas in Hollywood casting in recent years have insisted that actors must match the roles they play in their real-life identities, particularly if the role is part of a minority group.

Various groups have called for ensuring that trans or disabled roles are played only by trans and disabled actors respectively.

At the same time, roles traditionally played by white actors have been played by actors of color in several recent films.

Harewood's solution is to let any actor play any role, as long as they do a good job. This means that a white actor should be able to play a black character, according to him.


Hollywood California Sign

Harewood argued that actors of any identity should be able to play characters of any identity in Hollywood or on stage, provided their performances are good. (Photo by Fox News/Joshua Comins)

“Yes, we have to be representative, but I think we have to be careful. That even extends to Othello in blackface. I say, if you want to go Black, go for it, man,” he said.

“It better be good, otherwise you'll be laughed at offstage. But knock yourself out! Anyone should be able to do anything,” Harewood added.

The actor has played several race-swapping roles throughout his career. He played Romeo in an all-black stage adaptation of Shakespeare's “Rome and Juliet” in 1988 for which he told the Guardian he was “butchered” and recently starred as the conservative political icon white William F. Buckley in the play “Best of Enemies”. “


Harewood is also the first person of color to lead RADA. He commented on the reception he received after getting the job, noting some of the hate mail sent to him among fan mail.

“Everything was wonderful and complimentary, except the penultimate one which began: The true patriots of England will turn in their graves at your meeting. I didn't read on, but I I could see it was full of habits,” he said.




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