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Sublime with Rome brings her love to Belly Up | Culture & Leisure

Sublime with Rome brings her love to Belly Up |  Culture & Leisure


Love is what I got, now remember that. Sublime, what I have

What I Got is one of the most anthemic songs of the 90s when it comes to songs that uplift the human spirit, tunes that call the listener to be a vessel of positivity and love (You Get What You Give by the New Radicals in 1998 is also a resolutely karmic anthem from the 90s).

Sublime delivered their positive message even as they navigated a California landscape filled with prostitutes, riots, rock-smoking moms, house parties, surfers, skateboarders and stoners.

Sublime brought an alternative hip hop sound that drew inspiration from Jamaican reggae, dancehall and ska (Bob Marley, Lee Scratch Perry); punk, dub and dubstep flavors from London (The Police, The Clash) and hard-core punk styles from California (Big Drill Car, Bad Religion).

The sublime blend of these influences made him one of the main progenitors of a genre known as ska punk. It is also sometimes called California Reggae. Sublime in turn influenced bands like Slightly Stoopid, Dirty Heads, Stick Figure, 311, Mighty Bosstones Soja and more.

Vocalist Bradley Nowell died of a heroin overdose in 1996. The group was dormant until Rome Ramirez joined in 2009 and reformed as Sublime with Rome. The band is on their final tour and will bring all the love they've received and more with them to Belly Up on Sunday night.

My plan for this tour is to focus solely on the legacy and community we've built over the last 15 years, Ramirez said in a phone interview. We've literally seen some of these fans grow up. They bring their own children to the shows, which is a beautiful thing in itself. We are going to play the Sublime hits that everyone loves and knows.

Formed in 1988, Sublime's original lineup consisted of Bradley Nowell (vocals and guitar), Eric Wilson (bass), and Bud Gaugh (drums). Sublime has released three studio albums, one live album, five compilation albums, three EPs and a box set. Sublimes the first two 40 oz albums. to Freedom (1992) and Robbin The Hood (1994) were moderately successful. In 1996, Sublime recorded their self-titled album. Shortly after its release, Nowell died of a heroin overdose, which brought the group further exposure and the album subsequently rose to number 13 on the Billboard 200, while What I Got went to number 1. first place on the Billboard.

Rome Ramirez grew up outside of Oakland, California. He started playing guitar at the age of 11 and one of the first songs he learned to play was a song Sublime.

I literally grew up with the guys on my wall,” Ramirez said. They shaped me as a musician. All I wanted was to be in a band that sounded like Sublime.

At the age of 18, Ramirez moved to Southern California to immerse himself in the music industry. At a recording studio he met Wilson and the two began playing together. Wilson then introduced Ramirez to Gaugh and after several jam sessions, Wilson and Gaugh asked Ramirez if he would like to take Nowell's place and present a new version of Sublime.

Of course I said to myself that Sublime was my favorite band. It was a dream come true, Ramirez said. I was only 18 years old. From there, it really took off. Before we knew it, we were playing major festivals and were on the road playing a ton of dates.

The three performed as Sublime until Nowell's estate launched a legal challenge to the use of the brand name for a business not including Nowell. As a result, they changed their name to Sublime with Rome in January 2010. In addition to touring the world, Sublime with Rome have released three albums, Yours Truly (2011), Sirens (2015), and Blessings (2019).

Looking back on 14 years of touring, Ramirez says Colorado holds a special place in the band's hearts.

Certain states in the United States are largely responsible for the growth of this musical genre and Colorado, Arizona and Florida are three places that have been huge, huge accelerators for the sound, Ramirez said. Colorado was one of the very first states to really embrace this California reggae and make it what it is today. So yes, I really like Colorado.

The group has gone through several lineup changes over the years. Ramirez closes Rome with Sublime while Gaugh and Wilson relaunch Sublime with Bradley Nowell's son, 28-year-old Jakob Nowell.

The final Sublime with Rome lineup taking the stage at Belly Up will feature Ramirez with drummer Joe Tomino, bassist Brian Allen and Gabrial McNair on trombone and keys.

While he attempts to wrap up Rome with Sublime with a bow, Ramirez has already begun his solo career. He recently released a new single, a cover of Lee Fields' ballad Forever, a showcase for his silky voice. He is currently working on a collaboration with Slightly Stoopid and has an ongoing project Rome and Duddy with Dustin Duddy B Bushnell of the Dirtyheads.

But for now, Ramirez plans to finish his tenure with Rome and Sublime on a high note.

I hope people go to the show and have a great time and when they leave they'll be overwhelmed by how much they love Sublime. Because that’s what this project was created on.




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