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Zoo News: Let the season begin | News, Sports, Jobs

Zoo News: Let the season begin |  News, Sports, Jobs


Submitted photo Asani, the male African lion at Roosevelt Park Zoo, and his cub are in the common room.

This seems to be a common thread across the zoo campus and in this weekly article, but it's hard to talk about the zoo without talking about how busy things are and the exciting changes we have in store. Now that the worst of winter is behind us, we hope the zoo looks ahead to the season ahead. Perhaps the most difficult thing is that in the future we will have to manage activities on a day-to-day basis rather than planning our activities for an entire season.

Last week's cold wind Thursday may have kept guests away, but it didn't stop one of the zoo's bison from giving birth. The calf was born mid-morning; he was up and breastfeeding in no time. Not to be outdone, Sage, the Scottish Highland female, gave birth around 2:30 p.m. and was up and nursing within 15 minutes. Spring at the zoo can be a magical time when we watch life begin again. I saw trees starting to bud and despite the wind, last week's rain made the grass green up. It is truly an awakening of nature which seems to restore hope for the future.

The lion cub turned 6 weeks old last Thursday. She has been periodically displayed with the rest of her pride in the lion's living room and will receive her official name in the coming weeks. Staff will begin introducing her to the exhibit slowly to get her accustomed to the new scope before she proudly ventures out on her own. She gets along very well with her father, Asani, and has learned to stay close to Asani when her aunt, Tadala, becomes too harsh. He calms things down quickly.

The warmer weather allowed animals, secured for the winter, to access their enclosures such as the ground hornbills, African penguins and the herd of giraffes. Staff look forward to filling the penguins' pool this week, allowing them to spread their wings and dive deep. Their indoor pool gives them a little exercise, but once they have access to the outdoor pool, the fun really begins.

The giraffes have been able to get out and about in recent weeks, but nothing consistent. Soon, they will be outside every day and will enjoy a new space for the coming season. They will no longer be on display toward the end of this week as Dakota Fence begins installing a new fence to guide them toward the old zebra exhibit and away from the upcoming construction of the African Plains Building. There they will have a litany of browse to feed on as the trees begin to leaf out. Park Maintenance has already removed the zebra fence and created a transition between the two exhibits. Before Wednesday, they will remove part of the exhibit fence to open up space for the new exhibit fence to pass through.

The days, weeks, and months ahead will be filled with excitement, curiosity, and, I'm sure, a little frustration as we embark on this season of transformation that lies ahead. Communication will be key as we move towards so many good things to come.

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