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Met Gala 2024: When and how to watch in the UK

Met Gala 2024: When and how to watch in the UK


Vogue hosts the 2024 Met Gala every year on the first Monday of May with a new theme.

The night will feature extravagant costumes, iconic pop culture moments, and, no doubt, fashion fails.

The Met Gala takes place in New York City, but the event is popular all over the world, and if you're watching part of the event from the UK, here's everything you need to know about the theme, guest list, and how to watch.

What is the Met Gala?

The Met Gala, also known as the Costume Institute Benefit or Met Ball, is a lavish charity event held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Founded in 1948 by fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert, it first began as a simple dinner service.

However, the magazine later became the gala estate of Diana Vreeland, the former editor-in-chief of American Vogue, and is now in the hands of current editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, who has led the magazine since 1995.

The fundraiser marks the opening of the Costume Institute's exhibition, which opens to the public following the gala.

Each year, the event raises millions of dollars by selling nearly 35,000 tickets, or full table prices between 200,000 and 300,000.

When is Met Gala 2024?

The Met Gala is held every year on the first Monday of May, and this year it will be held on May 6th.

What is the 2024 Met Gala theme?

The theme of the 2024 Met Gala exhibition is ‘Sleeping Beauties: Fashion Reawakening.’

Featuring 250 historic pieces, the Met's exhibition takes inspiration from items too fragile to be worn again.

The Met describes the exhibition as follows: “This exhibition will breathe new life into these storied objects through creative and immersive activations designed to convey the smells, sounds, textures and movements of clothing that can no longer interact directly with the body.”

Who will host and co-chair the 2024 Met Gala?

The co-chairs, or hosts, of the Met Gala 2024 were announced in Vogue in February.

Actress Zendaya joins Anna Wintour as co-chairs, singer Jennifer Lopez, actor Chris Hemsworth, and singer Bad Bunny will serve as co-chairs.

Additionally, Loewe's creative director Jonathan Anderson and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew will serve as two honorary chairs.

What is the dress code for the 2024 Met Gala?

This year's Met Gala dress code is 'The Garden in Time', inspired by JG Ballard's novella of the same name.

Written in 1962, the story tells the story of Count Axel and his wife, the Countess, who live in an unarmed paradise overlooking a garden filled with magical flowers and crystals.

With the garden at risk of being invaded by an angry mob, the Count takes matters into his own hands and uses every flower to change time. We see the Count and Countess lying on a bed of thorny poisonous flowers in an abandoned estate.

How to watch the 2024 Met Gala red carpet in the UK?

Vogue will be hosting a live stream for the event, featuring red carpet arrivals and exclusive interviews from all the A-list stars.

The live stream will be hosted by Gwendoline Christie, La La Anthony and Ashley Graham and can be viewed on the Vogue YouTube channel and TikTok account.




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