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BBC takes action with new Chess Masters factual commission

BBC takes action with new Chess Masters factual commission


BBC Factual today announces a brand new Factual Entertainment competition format, Chess Masters, for BBC Two and iPlayer. Over the course of eight episodes, passionate and highly skilled players from all backgrounds will compete in a series of rapid-fire chess games before one of them is crowned the title of Chess Master.

Chess is the fastest growing sport in the world, it was the most watched game on Twitch in 2021 and the most downloaded app on the iPhone store in February 2023. With six million regular players in the Kingdom -United, 605 million adults play regularly worldwide. , and famous fans like Anthony Joshua, Madonna, Will Smith and Lily Cole, chess is becoming a global phenomenon.

Catherine Catton, Head of Commissioning, Factual Entertainment and Live Events, said: In a market of competitions that celebrate physical feats, we're really excited to support an idea that puts strategy and intelligent thinking at the forefront. Curve has designed a format that makes chess both entertaining and accessible to everyone.

Camilla Lewis, Executive Producer at Curve Media, says: Chess Masters has been a joy to develop with the BBC. We are delighted to produce this warm, inclusive and intelligent series, where the emotional and strategic stakes are high. There are untapped talents. Enthusiasts aged 8 to 80 will have the opportunity to compete with the best and audiences will gain a unique insight into the psychological and practical gameplay of this age-old but very accessible game played by all cultures and by people of all kinds.

Malcolm Pein, director of international chess and external relations at the English Chess Federation, says: “When Taylor Swift waxes lyrical about chess openings in her latest album, you know chess has become cool. The world's oldest game has become a 24/7 activity as well as a very lucrative e-sport that appeals to all generations. The way chess almost uniquely crosses all age boundaries. of gender, language and culture has convinced me that our national broadcaster is its natural home.

“The chess community has been waiting over thirty years for the game to return to our screens and everyone is extremely excited about creating an innovative format with top broadcast professionals to bring the 64 squares to life for the millions new players and for those whose chess journey has not yet begun.

How to register

Do you think you have what it takes to become a chess master?

We are looking for chess players of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the series. You do not need to be a professional chess player and anyone with a passion for chess can apply.

If you're interested in being on the show, email the team here – [email protected]

Chess Masters, an 8×30 series for BBC Two and iPlayer, is made by Curve Media. It was commissioned by Catherine Catton, head of commissioning, factual entertainment and live events, and executive producers are Camilla Lewis and Charlie Bunce. The editor-in-chief is Jasmyn McGuile.



Chess is the fastest growing sport in the world. – English Chess Federation

Chess was the most watched game on Twitch in 2021. – announced PogChamps 3. It now runs February 14-28. The first two days have already reached record viewership, making chess the most-watched game on Twitch for a short time.

Chess is the most downloaded app on the iPhone Store in February 2023. – According to, on February 2, 2023, the app became the most popular free game on the iOS App Store, reaching first place out of 28 countries.

With six million regular players in the UK.

FIDE published a YouGov survey conducted in 2012. – Over 6 million, 35 million, 16 million, 50 million and 85 million people in the UK, US, Germany, Russia and India (ABC1 ), respectively, play chess regularly.

605 million adults play regularly around the world.

FIDE published a YouGov survey conducted in 2012: chess players now constitute one of the largest communities in the world: 605 million adults play chess regularly.




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