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Big changes to Google's product structured data pages

Big changes to Google's product structured data pages


Google is revamping its product's structured data documentation, splitting one overarching page into three more topic-focused pages, and rewriting oversized pages to include multiple topic-related web pages. I've provided an example of how to change it.

Structured data in Google products

Product structured data is essential for e-commerce and product review websites because it helps them qualify for the rich results list on Google's Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Structured data in your product, when deployed correctly, can significantly contribute to the amount of traffic and revenue your website receives.

The restructuring of Google's official documentation gives the e-commerce community more to incorporate while simplifying the product's increasingly large structured data web pages.

What has changed?

The most notable change to the document is that the entire document has been split into three pages. The original document “Product Structured Data” has been renamed to “Introduction To Product Structured Data”. The word count was reduced from 4,808 words to just 667 words, and about 50% of the new documents contained the same content. Aside from the minor changes, the revamped page has a new section called “Deciding what markup to use,” which serves as a starting point for two new pages.

Retailers, product review site publishers, and SEO professionals should read three product structured data documents:

Product Structured Data Overview Product Snippets Structured Data Seller List Structured Data

In addition to the above changes, we've added a new attention-grabbing blue callout box to the Product Variant Structured Data page, replacing similar text that would otherwise be buried in the document and easily overlooked.

Screenshot of callout box

Significantly rewritten document

In some cases, new document headings have been rewritten to clarify the content of each section.

The new Structured Data Overview page includes an entirely new section. The old section was called “Result Types,” but the improved section is called “Determining Which Markup to Use,” with more descriptive headings.

New content includes:

There are two main classes of structured data in products that decide which markup to use. Follow the requirements for the type that best suits your use case.

Product snippet: For product pages where the product cannot be purchased directly. This markup has additional options for specifying review information, such as pros and cons for editorial product review pages.

Seller list: A page where customers can purchase products. This markup has additional options for specifying detailed product information such as apparel size, shipping details, and return policy information.

Note that there is some overlap between these two features. In general, product pages can also be eligible for product snippets by adding the required product information properties to your seller's list. Both features have their own extensions, so be sure to look at both when deciding which markup makes sense in the context of your site (the more properties you can add, the more properties you can apply to your pages). (more extensions).

First new page: Product snippet

In addition to the revamped introduction to product structured data, we've added a new standalone page focused on adding product structured data to help you get rich results on ratings, reviews, pricing, and product availability. Ta.

The title element of the new page is “How to add product snippet structured data.” Excluding some structured data examples, the new product snippets page contains approximately 2,500 words.

Much of the content on this new page is not new. The similarities between the old 6,000 word mega page section and this new standalone page indicate that we split this section out of the old document and turned it into its own page.

Second new page: Structured data for seller list

The second new page is dedicated to product structured data specific to seller listings. This is important for displaying your products in shopping-related rich results, which Google calls Seller Listing Experiences.

The dedicated structured data page for merchant listings is devoid of any information about what the merchant listing experience is or how it appears in search results, except for one illustration. His second paragraph on the new page invites readers to visit the Product Structured Data Overview webpage to learn more about what rich results in Merchant Listing Experiences are all about.

An argument could be made that the seller's structured data page has context for the seller's listing experience information. But someone at Google decided that this one page required him to focus 100% on one topic (Structured Data).

The new webpage consists of (more or less) approximately 1,700 words.

Editorial decisions based on user needs

Rather than having one huge, all-encompassing page for a topic, it was decided to break it down into its component subtopics, resulting in three more focused pages that are better for users. Not only will it improve, but it will also improve your ranking.

read the documentation

Please check the original version of the document.

Internet Archive: Products (Products, Reviews, Offers) Structured Data

Please read the new documentation.

Product Structured Data Overview

Structured data for product snippets (products, reviews, offers)

Structured data for seller lists (products, offers)

Featured image by Shutterstock/achinthamb




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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