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Best Bollywood Horror Movies to Binge Watch

Best Bollywood Horror Movies to Binge Watch


Bollywood horror films are a vibe. Even though some films may miss their mark, successful Hindi horror films have always intrigued fans and been loved by audiences. Over the many decades of Bollywood, many directors have ventured into the horror genre and produced several horror films. Many of them have become some of the best horror films in Bollywood. Movies like 13B: Fear has a new address, You have to give and many others have become famous horror films, with some even gaining cult status among fans. There is something exhilarating about watching blockbuster Hindi horror films. Scenes with real scares will make you jump with shock and momentary fear, making your experience more fun. The tight storytelling, proper timing of the actors and scary twists make these some of the best Indian horror films, which will become fan favorites for years to come. Whether you are exploring an old or a new Bollywood horror film, a good horror film will give you all the thrills and make you gasp through the scares. Here are our suggestions for the 10 best Bollywood horror films that every horror fan should watch at least once.

Here are some of the best Bollywood horror films for a spooky movie night

One of the best horror films from Bollywood horror director Ram Gopal Varma, WHO is undoubtedly one of the 10 best Bollywood horror films of all time. This horror film is not your usual ghost story but a twisted tale with shocking twists and turns. The excellent storytelling and acting performances make this film a treat to watch.

Probably the first film that comes to mind when we talk about Bollywood horror films, this classic film has achieved cult status among audiences. Even after decades of release, this film has retained its name on almost all the best Hindi horror films lists. Raaz is one of the few Bollywood horror films that doesn't lack in any department and makes for a truly scary watch. Prepare to grab the arm of the person sitting next to you.

Another Ram Gopal Varma film, what makes this horror film stand out is that unlike some other horror films, there are no isolated scares in this film. Instead, you'll experience an underlying sense of horror throughout the film, with a few added scary moments to make you scream. This constant feeling of suspense makes this film very captivating to watch. The way this film plays out makes it one of the best Indian horror films.

Another famous film in the horror genre, this cult film has also gained its share of notoriety among fans. If you haven't watched this movie yet, watch it for the horror-related suspense that engulfs the main cast throughout. One of the most popular horror films of its time, it's perfect if you want to watch an old-school horror film.

A very Bollywood style film, this is the complete package for you if you want to watch a masala Bollywood film, which is also a horror film. While you'll experience the scares and twists and turns of a typical horror film, you'll also experience the glitz and style that a film from the 2000s was famous for.

An underrated hidden gem among the famous Bollywood horror films, this film is one that will slowly captivate you. Based on paranormal stories and myths, the world that this film weaves is presented so well and complemented by the excellent acting of the star cast. that you will find yourself completely shaken as the film progresses. The tight story, skillful performance of the actors and overall suspense make this film one of the best Indian horror films.

Based on the urban myths of Nale Ba that plagued Bangalore some time ago, this film is an incredible horror comedy. Effortlessly blending comedy with horror and edge-of-the-seat suspense, the refined acting is what makes this film a masterpiece. One of the lighter horror films, this will be the perfect choice for your next movie night.

Another hidden gem, this period horror film is based on local folk tales and myths. It's the story of a family across generations who defy the gods and face the terrible consequences that follow. This film has received rave reviews from critics and international film festivals, making it a must-see.

A new Bollywood horror film compared to the others on this list, this fascinating story revolves around a girl who goes from being a helpless child bride to becoming a mysterious young woman. Set against a backdrop of frightening and unexplained deaths occurring in the village, watch this captivating film if you want to watch something different than a simple horror film.

Photo: Instagram/tripti_dimri




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