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Marla Adams, Longtime Star of Y&R and 'Days of Our Lives,' Dies at 85

Marla Adams, Longtime Star of Y&R and 'Days of Our Lives,' Dies at 85


New Jersey native Marla Adams, who starred as Dina Abbott Mergeron on the CBS soap opera “The Young and the Restless” for nearly 40 years, died at the age of 85.

Matt Kane, the series' director of media and talent, announced the news Friday evening, confirming that Adams died Thursday in Los Angeles. No cause of death has been released.

An outpouring of love and support quickly followed online.

On behalf of the entire cast of “The Young and the Restless,” we send our deepest condolences to the Marlas family,” Josh Griffith, executive producer and head writer of “Y&R,” said in a statement. We are very grateful and impressed by Marla's incredible performance as Dina Mergeron, as both Marla and Dina have left an unforgettable mark.

“The earth stopped spinning for a moment when my Marla left for eternity,” wrote “Y&R” star Beth Maitland, who plays Traci Abbott, one of Dina's daughters on the show.

“Marla Adams, you will be greatly missed. I am grateful to be part of this sweet Abbott family,” wrote Melissa Ordway, who plays Dina's granddaughter Abby. Eileen Davidson's mother Abby and Dina's other daughter Ashley shared Melissa's post on her own Instagram Story.

Adams, who has appeared in more than 50 film projects during his career, made his debut in 1961, working alongside Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty in Elia Kazan's Oscar-winning film. “The splendor in the grass.”

She went on to play small roles on television series such as General Hospital, “The Secret Storm,” “Starsky and Hutch” and “The Love Boat,” before landing the job that would ultimately define her career.

Adams joined The Young and the Restless in 1982, starring in approximately 70 episodes until 2008. She returned for a full-time role in 2018 and appeared in over 230 episodes.

After his return, his character was revealed to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In 2021, Adams' work in this role earned her a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.

I was the bh of the day, she said in a 2016 interview with OC Daily, citing the scheming Dina and her villainous character Belle Clemens in The Secret Storm.

Before his work in television, Adams starred on Broadway in “The Visit” from 1958 alongside Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne.

From the late 1980s to the 1990s, she appeared in series such as “Generations,” “The Bold and the Beautiful” and “Golden Girls.”

In 1999, she starred in 50 episodes of “Days of Our Lives” as Claire, Ali McIntyre's mother.

Adams is survived by his children Pam Oates and Gunnar Garat, his grandchildren Gefjon and Stone, and his great-grandson Remi.




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