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German actress Nina Hoss: London is more motivated. At the theater, people are full of positive energy | Theater

German actress Nina Hoss: London is more motivated.  At the theater, people are full of positive energy |  Theater


NOTina Hoss, 48, is a German actress who gained international fame for her role as Sharon Goodnow in Tr (2022), opposite Cate Blanchett. She was cast as the lead violinist/wife in this film in part due to an unforgettable performance as a music teacher in Ina Weisses' film. The hearing (2019), and is familiar to fans of Country for her role as German intelligence officer Astrid. She is about to make her London stage debut as Mrs Ranevskaya in The cherry orchard at the Donmar Warehouse in London, directed by Benedict Andrews.

How do you plan to make Ms. Ranevskaya yours?
I'm just starting the third week of rehearsals and I'm making new discoveries every day. The way Benedict Andrews works is unusual in that we don't repair anything; it encourages us to continue to surprise ourselves as characters. I love doing this, but it's intimidating because you have no safety net. We were together as a group throughout the day and observed and commented, generally positively, on each other's ideas. We learn what works, what doesn't. In a more conventional rehearsal, you might notice the change in mood and try to pin it down so you keep coming back to it. Here, not at all. At this stage, nothing is set in stone. But by starting again and again, we find a certain rhythm. I know I have to be open to everyone around me.

What do you admire most about Chekhov?
In everything he writes, he never judges people. He loves his characters. People can be very angry with each other and the next moment they are drinking coffee and kissing.

Hoss in Tr (2022). Photo: Alamy

How does acting in a second language affect you?
I have to do some extra work on my own. I translate the lines into German at least once and, especially, the lines of other characters, because what is said in another language tends not to touch your heart. Yet, at the same time, I find acting in English liberating because I can't control it in the same way and I find myself at a stage in my acting life where I'm not seeking control.

Tell me a little about your upbringing.
I was born in Stuttgart. My father was a welder and one of the co-founders of the German Green Party. I attended the founding conventions when I was little. The ideas of the Green Party have influenced me, although I am no longer a member of the party now, it is too big a subject to explain here! I received the theater gene from my mother, an actress who became a director and who directed three theaters consecutively. So I was at Parliament with my father and at rehearsals with my mother. I loved the world of theater so much that it always felt like home. My mother was so fulfilled by what she was doing.

Where are you based now? I assume you are married to a British music producer Alex Silva?
I am based in Berlin. And yes, I am married to a Welshman although he has Italian roots. When we first met he was living in London, so we spent quite a bit of time here, but this is my longest time in London. Berlin is very free spirited and no one cares how we live, energy levels are lower. I love the energy of London. London is more motivated. At the London theater, people are full of positive energy. In Berlin, you don't have to accomplish that much to have a good life.

THE New York Times once described you as having the glamor of an old-fashioned movie star. Is this how you see yourself?
I don't want to think about my appearance, even though sometimes I have to. Nowadays, every image from your movies or shot on the red carpet stays there to haunt you. But appearance is not something I think about in my work. I am so bored with that. I'm lucky that my career started earlier. I feel for 20-year-olds who have to invent or reinvent themselves on Instagram.

Like Astrid in the sixth series of Homeland. Photo: 20th Century Fox/Jeff Neumann/Showtime

What does it take to stay the course as an actor?
I remain fascinated by acting because I'm curious about how different people are and yet we seek the same things in life: love, respect, attention, to be seen. If this curiosity is in you, playing is the perfect thing to do. You must be observant. I love sitting on a train and looking at people and wondering what their story might be.

What was it like playing opposite Cate Blanchett?
Cate is so receptive. I found her inspiring. I'm impressed by how hard she works.

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You learned to play the violin for your film roles, which must have been difficult?
I play the piano, so I could already read the notes and I had a wonderful teacher who took away my fear. I never wanted to be an instrumentalist although, at 16, I wanted to be an opera singer.

What do you do for fun that has nothing to do with your work?
Work East With pleasure. I enjoy the company of others, but I need to take time to process things. I like walking in nature. At the moment I am very impressed with Sweden. My husband and I recently enjoyed a camping trip in Canada. We love the cold and on the west coast of Sweden we found something similar. I'm not sure about swimming in cold water, although I like the cold provided I can wear a big coat.

What is it like to work with the German director Christian Petzoldwith whom you have collaborated a lot?
I've made six films with him since 2000. When I was starting out, he taught me a lot about filmmaking and how to tell stories about our country in an honest and sometimes brutal way. He has a love/hate relationship with Germany, just like me. We talked about it so much.

What do you do once The cherry orchard is finished?
I'm making another film with Ina Weisse, director of The hearing I love his writing. The title of the film describes these little creatures that make noise with their legs. What is the English word? Cicadas? I think that's it.




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