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Bollywood Celebrities Flaunting Their Love Story With Tattoos

Bollywood Celebrities Flaunting Their Love Story With Tattoos


B-town stars are no longer shy and mysterious, especially when it comes to love. Bollywood celebrities are now all set to show their true love in public. In 2008, the Chhote-Nawab, Saif started this tradition by having his beloved Kareena's name inscribed on his forearm. Since then, our dear city of tinsel has been bitten by the tattoo bug! Here are the Bollywood celebrities who have had their lover's name inscribed on their body.
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This tattoo appeared in the media while Hrithik was shooting for Kites with Barbara Mori. The rumor mills were working overtime with stories about Hrithik and Barbara's alleged affair. However, all the chatter died down when Hrithik-Sussanne posed her tattooed forearm in public to show off their strong bond. Now, shortly after their “official” separation, Susanne has changed this symbol of their “happier times.” She not only altered the star, but also had another phrase tattooed with it, “Follow Your Sunshine.” Well, it remains to be seen how much this change will affect their “on the rocks” relationship!

Hrithik Roshan

Often hailed as Bollywood's answer to Hollywood, Hrithik Roshan had his wife's name, 'Susanne', engraved on his left wrist as a surprise. He did it when she was out of town. Well, even though their relationship is going through a rough patch, Hrithik has not given any indication of changing his tattoos, which are a sign of his love for Susanne.

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There was another lover in town. Following Saif's footsteps, Prateik also got his daughter's name inscribed on his wrist and proudly flaunted it to the world. Prateik who was dating Amy Jackson, his co-star from his film 'Ekk Deewana Tha', had fallen head over heels in love with her. He still has a colorful tattoo on his wrist that says “Mera Pyaar, Meri Amy” (My love, my Amy).

Amy Jackson

In the early days of her relationship with Prateik, Amy also relied on the clichéd Bollywood expression 'good friends', but eventually made her relationship public with the 'tattoo' manner. This hot British girl confessed her love for her co-star in bold letters saying 'Mera Pyaar, Mera Prateik'. Now it was strong enough to pull back the curtain on their secret love affair. After their breakup, while Prateik would still have the tattoo, Amy had it removed.

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Deepika Padukone

Cocktail star and leggy beauty Deepika has the initials 'RK' printed on the back of her neck. Well, R.K.
of course, this represents her ex-beau Ranbir Kapoor. The actress had her initials engraved when she was dating Ranbir. Even after the breakup, Deepika has no hesitation in continuing to keep the 'RK' tattoo.

Saif Ali Khan

Bollywood's hot couple Saif and Kareena were the first to popularize this 'tattoo your partner' trend in Bollywood. Who can forget Chhote Nawab's famous tattoo for his beloved and now wife Kareena Kapoor. Saif got 'Kareena' tattooed on his forearm in the Devanagiri storyline, when he got into a relationship with the actress. This tattoo became a topic of conversation in the city overnight and remained so for a long time.

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Celina Jaitely

Susanne is not the only loving wife to have a symbol of love inked for her husband. Actress Celina Jaitely, married to an Australian businessman, also got a tattoo of her husband's name. This Bollywood actress displays her husband Peter Hagg's first name written on her ring finger.




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