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Game of Thrones actor Kevan Lannister was 74 years old

Game of Thrones actor Kevan Lannister was 74 years old


Ian Gelder, the British actor who played Kevan Lannister in the HBO series Game Of Thrones and the evil Zellin in Doctor Who, is dead. He was 74 years old.

“It is with immense sadness and a heavy heart broken into a thousand pieces that I leave this position to announce the passing of my beloved husband and life partner, Ian Gelder,” announced actor Ben Daniels on Instagram. Daniels revealed that Gelder was diagnosed with bile duct cancer five months ago and that “none of us had any idea it would go so quickly.”

“He was my absolute pillar and we were partners for over 30 years. If we weren't together, we talked every day,” Daniels wrote on Instagram. “He was the kindest, most generous, loving human being. He was a wonderful actor and all those who worked with him were touched by his heart and his light I honestly don't know what I will do without him by my side.

“We are saddened to learn of the passing of Lan Gelder. One of the kindest and gentlest people in the business, Lan’s career has spanned several decades,” Daniel Evans and Tamara Harvey, co-artistic directors of the Royal Shakespeare Company, said in a statement on X. “He was a regular on the RSC stage from the 70s onwards, creating many memorable performances including his Antonio in The merchant of Venice and Clarence in Richard III. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

A seasoned character actor, appearing on stage and screen, Gelder's career spanned six decades and, outside of Game Of Thrones And Doctor Who he has made appearances on several well-known shows, including Torch wood, To tear out And Its dark materials.

Born on June 3, 1949, Gelder made his first appearances on British television in 1972, in the crime show New shipyard in Scotland. Throughout his career, Gelder found regular work as a character actor and made guest appearances on several popular British shows, including long-running dramas. The law project, Eastern Ends, Victim And Town of Holby.

It was only in the later years of his career that Gelder gained greater notoriety, having appeared in 12 episodes of the phenomenally successful HBO fantasy series. Game Of Thrones. In the series, Gelder played Kevan Lannister, the younger brother of the scheming Lord Tywin Lannister played by Charles Dance. Gelder's character dies in the final season of Game Of Thrones when the Great Sept of Baelor is incinerated by a wildfire.

Gelder had a long and successful theatrical career and had a long association with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Globe Theater in London. He appeared in RSC productions of Titus Andronicus, The Taming of the Shrew, The merchant of Venice, Richard III And As you like itamong others.

For Donmar Warehouse, Gelder starred in Arnold Wesker Roots (2013), C. P. Taylor GOOD (1999) and Ben Hecht and Charles Macarthur The first page (1997). And for the Royal Court Theater he performed in Body language (1996), Face of fire (2000), Mouth to mouth (2001) and The low road (2013).

Gelder has also appeared in features, the most notable of which include Little Dorrit (1987), King Ralph (1991) and Overvoltage (2020).




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