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The Korean Wave caused a global sensation – Massachusetts Daily Collegian

The Korean Wave caused a global sensation – Massachusetts Daily Collegian


If you've paid attention to pop culture recently, you've probably noticed a rise in popularity of Korean music, television, and movies. From K-pop groups topping global charts to Squid Game being the most listened to show on Netflix in the month following its release, Korean media audiences grew well beyond its home country. Throughout the 21st century, the Korean Wave has made South Korea a pop culture powerhouse.

The origins of Hallyu

THE rapid growth The evolution of Korean media is closely linked to the evolution of the country's political landscape in the late 20th century. With the end of military censorship, the rise of Korea's entertainment industry helped its economy recover from post-war difficulties. The Asian economic crisis of 1997 led the Korean government to invest in the Internet and cultural exports, first finding a market in neighboring Asian countries. In fact, the word hallyu (which translates to Korean wave) comes from China, one of the first countries where Korean media found an audience.

The rise of South Korea's most prominent broadcasting and music agencies has occurred alongside the increasingly widespread use of the Internet, bringing Korean media from East Asia to the world. Additionally, the Korean government has encouraged globalization by lifting restrictions on international trade and promoting cultural development. Foreign interest in Korean products was steadily increasing until a song propelled Korea onto the global pop culture stage.

How Gangnam Style Launched Korean Media Worldwide

When most people think of K-pop or even Korea itself, they think of Psys Gangnam Style. The song was released in 2012 and, with a simple yet catchy chorus and dance that transcended language barriers, it became a viral hit. He hit number two, the highest position a Korean artist had reached at the time on the Billboard Hot 100 and was the first music video to reach one billion views on YouTube.

Gangnam Style opened the door for other K-pop groups to gain global fame throughout the 2010s. Despite the cultural differences between Asian idol culture and Western stardom, K-pop groups such that BTS and Blackpink have found loyal fans around the world. K-pop as a genre has also gone global, with Korean artists collaborating with non-Korean musicians and more English lyrics in K-pop songs. BTS' Dynamite, the group's first song entirely in English, received international recognition, including a Grammy nomination.

Along with the rise of K-pop internationally, Korean TV shows and movies have also gained popularity around the world. While K-dramas were among the first hallyu in other Asian countries in the early 2000s, they took off globally in the mid-2010s after Netflix. in partnership with major Korean television companies. Netflix has also started producing its own Korean content in response to the demand for K-dramas on its platform. The most well-known Korean show is Netflix's 2021 Original Squid Game. With the central premise of playing childhood games in a dystopian life-or-death competition, it quickly became Netflix's most-watched series.

Unlike Korea's music industry centered around idol groups, a wide variety of genres in Korean shows and films have achieved international success. One of the hallmarks of Korean cinema is Bong Joon-hos Parasite, a thriller about two socially unequal families who became the first non-English film to win the Oscar for Best Picture. Unique Korean interpretations of certain genres also appeal to global audiences. For example, zombie media such as Kingdom, Train to Busan, and Sweet Home offer their own version of a common trope that has viewers hooked. Other popular genres in Korean television and cinema include romance, historical period pieces, and variety shows.

The impact of the Korean pop culture boom

The popularity of Korean media has not only strengthened the country's economy, but also its global image as a whole. For some, Korean pop culture has inspired them to learn more about the country. An ever-increasing number of American students are to study Korean, and South Korea is one of the most searched countries Locations to study abroad.

Not only is Korean entertainment loved around the world, but it has also attracted tourists to South Korea. The number of tourists in South Korea has enriched from five million in 2000 to 17.5 million in 2019. Recognizing foreigners' interest in pop culture, Korea's tourism industry promotes K-culture hotspots such as K-pop concerts and neighborhoods trendy traders. In 2017, BTS were given the role of honorary tourism ambassador for Seoul, the largest city in South Korea. However, you don't have to travel to Korea to see its cultural power in action. Whether you're at home watching a K-drama or planning a summer trip to South Korea, you've felt the influence of the Korean wave.

Leyna Summers can be contacted at [email protected].




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