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This could relate to his background because he | Not just Bollywood Firstpost

This could relate to his background because he |  Not just Bollywood Firstpost


In an exclusive interview with Firstposts' Lachmi Deb Roy for Not Just Bollywood, Rajkummar Rao talks about Srikanth Bolla and how he too can relate to his character since both come from very humble backgrounds.
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It is not easy to get into the shoes of Srikanth Bolla's character. Rajkummar Rao is directing a biopic on Srikanth Bolla, the man who was rejected from India's top institutes because he was blind. Later, Srikanth went to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to study business management science. Playing a blind man was not an easy task for him.

In an interview with Lachmi Deb Roy of Firstposts on a hot and muggy afternoon in May, Rajkummar Rao talks about his film Srikanth, his journey in the entertainment industry and more.

Edited excerpts from the interview:

Have you met Srikanth Bolla?

I had to meet Srikanth because I am portraying his life on screen. So I wanted to study his ways. As an actor, it was my responsibility and my job to take everything I could from him and portray him on screen. So I spent hours with him, talking about his life and his experiences, trying to understand his body language and facial movements. Because before meeting him, I had no reference otherwise. I also visited schools for the blind to get a taste of how visually impaired people behave.

Srikant Bollas' journey is very impressive, but how much do you resonate with him?

I could certainly resonate with his perseverance, with his courage and his hardworking nature. I wouldn't say exactly, but I could somehow relate to his journey because he too comes from a very humble background. And in my life too, there were a lot of struggles when it came to money and having a big dream in life and achieving that dream was something I could relate to.

Aside from that, his visual impairment made it much more difficult for him than it was for me. When I met him, I realized how optimistic he was. He is full of confidence and full of life. He's a really witty guy and he's so self-sufficient even though he's blind.

How much of a responsibility is it to make a biopic?

It is certain that there is a huge responsibility when you make cinema in someone's personal life. There are people who know him. They will come and judge it and know how close you are to the character. Aside from that, you're playing someone else's character and putting it on screen for millions of people to watch. And his visual impairment made it very difficult for me. I've never done anything like this before. I thought it would definitely be exciting and challenging.

What do you think of cinema evolving, without the notion of hero-heroine and especially with the public's tastes changing?

Cinema experiences a change every 15 to 20 years. The language will change; new filmmakers are coming in, which is indeed a welcome change. I'm happy that there is a large part of the audience that is willing to watch films like Srikanth And Laapataa Ladies and enjoy unique stories. The public also wants to resonate with the character and be inspired by him.

And after?

After SrikanthI have Mr. & Mrs. Work with Janhvi Kapoor in it.

WATCH Srikanth's trailer here




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