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“Motherhood Out Loud” takes the stage in Barboursville

“Motherhood Out Loud” takes the stage in Barboursville


To close out its 51st season in Barboursville, Four County Players is proud to present Motherhood Out Loud in the Cellar.

Motherhood Out Loud is written by Leslie Ayvazian, Brooke Berman, David Cale, Jessica Goldberg, Beth Henley, Lameece Issaq, Claire LaZebnik, Lisa Loomer, Michele Lowe, Marco Pennette, Theresa Rebeck, Luanne Rice, Annie Weisman, and Cheryl L. West. .

Conceived by Susan R. Rose and Joan Stein, Motherhood Out Loud was written by a group of renowned American playwrights who reveal, with illuminating insight, the humor, raw emotions and rocky roads we experience in life. The result is a joyful, moving, hilarious and utterly thrilling theatrical event. Completely unpredictable, Motherhood Out Loud shatters traditional notions of parenting, uncovers its inherent comedy, and celebrates the deeply personal truths that span and unite generations. You don't have to be a mother to relate to and appreciate this piece, you just need to know a mother or have seen one in the wild.

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This production is directed by Devynn Thomas and features an ensemble including Sara Conklin, Kristen Dillehunt, Elizabeth Rose, March Schindler and Kathy Semerling. Cheryl Mares serves as the swing for the production. The production team is rounded out by Katie Hutchins as production stage manager, Mary Speed ​​as set designer, Paige Campbell Johns as costume and properties designer, Steven Reid as lighting designer, David Hutchins as Sound Designer and Engineer, Karen Zimet as Assistant Stage Manager, Gary Warwick White as Production Manager, Nicholas Edelman as Shop and Construction Supervisor, Jennifer Phelps as Office Manager of theater and Edward Warwick White as marketing director.

Motherhood Out Loud runs weekends in the cellar until May 19. Friday and Saturday evening performances are at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 for general admission seating. The Cellar is Four County's intimate black box theater space. The seats are limited.

Motherhood Out Loud is intended for an adult audience. This production contains adult situations and discussions, including explicit language. Parental discretion advised.

Four County Players is central Virginia's oldest community theater and is proud to be a cultural destination for Charlottesville and the surrounding areas. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call the box office at (540) 832-5355 or visit Or




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