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Sonali Bendre recalls Goldie Behl's husband's reaction to cancer diagnosis: Bollywood News

Sonali Bendre recalls Goldie Behl's husband's reaction to cancer diagnosis: Bollywood News


Sonali Bendre, who starred in Bollywood films with stars such as Salman Khan, Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, took a break from showbiz in 2004. Ajeeb's television serial Daastaan ​​​​Hai Ye, in which she attempted a comeback in 2014, was cut short. broadcast a few months later. The drama series The Broken News, which just aired its second season to positive reviews, helped Sonali get back on her feet.

Sonali Bendre Recalls Goldie Behl's Husband's Reaction to Cancer Diagnosis

Reflecting on her journey, Sonali shared the challenges she faced, especially after her cancer diagnosis in 2018, which deeply affected her and her family. It was shocking. Sometimes I wondered how such a thing could happen to me. When this happened, I was on a reality show. We shot every week. So when you appear in the public eye and suddenly you disappear and someone replaces you, there will be a lot of conversations about it, she said while talking to Shubhankar Mishra.

As she described this moment, she realized she had a problem. Sonali recalls: I knew something was wrong with me. When I went to the doctor we found out. At first I thought it might be small. As testing progressed, we realized this was no small problem. I saw it in the doctor's face. When they did the PET scan, my doctor and my husband Goldie Behl's faces were white. I saw all the color drain from their faces.

The technician said it was like a Christmas tree inside. When you have a PET scan, the cancer cells light up, allowing doctors to see where it all is. They said it had spread through me so much that scanning made me feel like I was looking at a Christmas tree. At first, I was in denial. I tried to fall asleep. But when I woke up, nothing had changed. My husband (Goldie Behl) made quick decisions and within two days we were overseas. I had an argument with him because Ranveer (his son) was absent as he was in summer camp. I told him to slow down and give me time to organize everything. At one point he broke down and told me to stop thinking about other things and focus on myself and staying alive, she said, recalling her battle with cancer stage 4.

She also recalled that when the battle began, she only had a thirty percent chance of survival and the doctor's statement made her angry. I asked the doctor how he could say that. I kept asking how this could happen. When you deny it, you attack the person in front of you. Looking back, I realized that he was just telling me the truth and that nothing could change reality.

Sonali also stressed the importance of having an honest conversation about cancer, saying the overwhelming response to her comment on social media made her aware of the stigma and prevalence of the disease. I had to undergo chemotherapy so extreme that it was like a nuclear attack on my body. You kill everything in your body, then you rebuild it,” he recalls.

She also remembered the day she underwent chemotherapy and recorded the event on video.

“It was difficult. I had a strong attachment to my hair. Logically, it's not a significant loss. It's just hair. If you cut it, it will grow back. But emotions and vanity don't follow not always logic. My hair was a point of pride for me I supported every hair product you could imagine at the time I was known for my hair And suddenly it was all going to end and I just. said, 'Forget it,'” she added.

Also Read: BREAKING: Special screening of Sarfarosh to be held in Mumbai to mark its 25th anniversary; Aamir Khan and Sonali Bendre will grace the show

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