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What happened to Hargobind Punjabi Tahilramani?

What happened to Hargobind Punjabi Tahilramani?


Hollywood is a place where dreams can come true, so when a series of actors, writers and photographers were contacted and offered jobs by Christopher Nolan, Deborah Snyder, Wendi Deng Murdoch or producer Amy Pascal , it almost seemed too good to be. TRUE. It was.

Over the course of several years starting in 2013, hundreds of entertainment industry workers and social media influencers were targeted by a scammer known as the Hollywood Con Queen, who lured his victims by Indonesia with the promise of fake work trips, only to then defraud them of a considerable sum. quantities of their money by confusing them on arrival, then disappearing completely. The story first broke in the mainstream press in 2018, when The Hollywood Reporters Scott Johnson wrote an article revealing the shady goings-on, detailing some of the many cases where people were tricked into giving thousands of dollars to the scammer. But at that time, there was no idea who this mystery woman was, despite numerous voice recordings of her on the phone and numerous email chains.

However, a new Apple TV+ documentary, Hollywood Con Queen, featuring Johnson, alleges that the scammer is an Indonesian named Hargobind Punjabi Tahilramani. As the series tells the story in its entirety, we wonder: what happened to Tahilramani after his arrest?

The backstory

In one of the most complex scam campaigns ever seen by authorities, over a seven-year period, the scammer allegedly spent almost all of his waking hours constructing elaborate scams pretending (mostly) to be an accomplished woman occupying positions of high power and influence in Hollywood and at the highest levels. Company. They targeted influencers and photographers by asking them to come work on a project in Asia with Wendi Deng Murdoch, and asked filmmakers to come and make a Netflix series in Indonesia. Other hair and makeup artists have been offered jobs in glamorous locations, while another brand has been promised a job working on Tom Cruise's film set in space.

Even stuntmen and ex-military personnel have been targeted. One of them was invited to fly to Asia. All the victims paid for their own flights, visas and permits, on the promise that they could claim money for their expenses on arrival, while a private equity billionaire assembled a super security team, while 'another was informed. he would be chosen in the last Indiana Jones movie. Several men were forced to participate in online sexual calls. What they all had in common was that the scammer had been incredibly thorough in researching their many brands, and had tailored and manipulated the scam specifically to appeal to victims.

The nature of this fraud also meant that people were embarrassed to reveal that they had lost their entire savings in a scam, especially in an industry where appearance and reputation are everything. Many remained silent. Those who went to the police or FBI were deceived, although some people said it could have been part of a larger campaign. In the case of a person, according to The Hollywood Reporter neither showed any interest.

How was Tahilramani captured?

Nicoletta Kotsianas, a New Jersey private investigator with K2, looked into the case after hearing several similar stories of people being scammed by someone posing as a Hollywood executive, only to be scammed in Indonesia . According to The Guardian, she spent years gathering anecdotes and studying fingerprints and myriad Finsta accounts. Through this work, she was able to connect Tahilramani, who had multiple online identities, but no real trace of himself online. Tahilramani was known to authorities for his past criminal behavior, and she discovered that he had spent time in prison for making a bomb threat to the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia, had served time for fraud, and had even made appearing to be an angry Cate Blanchett calling on his behalf. when he was kicked off his college debate team for plagiarism. He is also said to have tormented the London restaurant scene when he was a food blogger known as PureBytes, featuring photo shoots he never paid forAnd harassing food PR and restaurant managers when he wasn't getting the attention he demanded.

In 2020, podcast hosts Vanessa Grigoriadas and Josh Dean realized that the woman everyone thought they were looking for may have been a 41-year-old man named Hargobind Punjabi Tahilramani, although he is also known by many aliases , including Harvey, Gavin Ambani and Gobind Lal Tahil. Thanks to their detective work in the podcast, Chameleon: Hollywood Con Queen managed to link it to scams in the British food scene and American entertainment world, as detailed in Vanity Fair.

What happened to Tahilramani after his arrest, and where is he now?

Tahilramani was arrested by the FBI in Manchester in November 2020, where he remained in custody until June 2023, when a British judge ruled that he could be extradited to face eight charges in court American, including conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud and aggravated identity theft. His extradition must be formally ordered by the British Secretary of State. According to Variety, in his judgment, District Judge Goldspring said of Tahilramani: I found him to be dishonest and manipulative and I treat with caution his claim that he was persecuted by his own family (including being pronounced dead and subjected to gay conversion therapy). Tahilramani previously said he planned to appeal if extradition was granted.

His legal team argued he was at greater risk in a U.S. prison because of his sexuality and ethnicity. He also said he would go on a hunger strike if he was forcibly deported to the United States. The mysterious question remains as to why Tahilramani would have committed this fraud. As Johnson said The Guardian: The overall financial damage is estimated at $1.5 million. There are many scams totaling tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. In this case, it was clear from the start that it wasn't really about the money. The question then became: what is it about?

Hollywood Con Queen streaming on Apple TV+ starting May 8


Laura Martin is a freelance journalist specializing in pop culture.




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