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Travis Kelce to star in TV show Grotesquerie

Travis Kelce to star in TV show Grotesquerie


TRavis Kelce won't just be seen playing football this fall. He will also be seen playing a character in Grotesquerieproducer Ryan Murphy's latest NFL horror series features the first major foray into acting.

In a Instagram post On Tuesday, actor Niecy Nash-Betts shared a sneak peek of the Grotesquerie together, with a surprise revelation from its actor. Guys, guess who I work with Grotesquerie? she said, turning the camera on Kelce, who responded, jumping into new territory.

The series, which is expected to premiere on FX later this year, has only just started production, Deadline reported Tuesday with confirmation of Kelce's participation.

The 34-year-old tight end, who just renewed His contract with last week's Super Bowl-winning Kansas City Chiefs has recently seen his popularity reach meteoric heights, transcending sports fandom amid his public relationship with singer and TIME Person of the Year Taylor Swift.

That's what happens when WINNERS teams up with Nash-Betts, who recently received an Emmy for Best Supporting Actress for her role on Netflix. Dahmer (also created by Murhpy), wrote in the caption of her Instagram post with Kelce.

What do we know about Grotesquerie?

Like many other Murphys creations, notably American horror story, American crime storyAnd QuarrelDetails about the upcoming series have been shrouded in secrecy.

Learn more: How Ryan Murphy Became the King of the Streaming Boom

Production company Murphys has released a teasing of the horror drama in February, revealing only the cast of Nash-Betts, Courtney B. Vance and Lesley Manville, displayed over a horror film audio clip. monologue by Nash-Betts' character: What I saw today, she said, they sent shrinks for everyone who worked at that crime scene.

Kelce's expansion into entertainment

Kelce has quickly expanded his footprint on the entertainment scene. Last month, Amazon announcement that he will be the host of 20 episodes of Prime Videos Are you smarter than a celebrity?an upcoming game show spin-off Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

I grew up loving game shows, Kelce said at the time. I'm just happy to be on the hosting side here and can't wait to see how these famous faces keep up.

Earlier this year, Kelce made his executive producer debut with My dead friend Zoe, a film premiering at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, in March. It is also help finance King Pleasurea documentary about the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Kelce made his acting debut in a brief appearance as a fictionalized version of himself in the Showtimes space comedy Lunar Base 8 in 2020. It hosted Saturday Night Live in March 2023 and reappeared on the sketch show last October in a cameo alongside Swift. He previously starred in a self-titled reality dating series, Catching Kelcein 2016, and he co-hosted a football podcast New heights with his brother, recently retired Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce, since 2022.

Kelce reshared Nash-Betts' Instagram video himself account on Tuesday, seemingly embracing this dramatic next phase of his multi-faceted career, with a caption that read: Enter a new world with one of the legends!




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