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Villagers vie for 'sheep keeper' honor as ancient ordeal continues

Villagers vie for 'sheep keeper' honor as ancient ordeal continues


TAIYUAN After Li Yansheng won his sixth consecutive fight, the open-air arena erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, while the host's announcement intensified the atmosphere: “Congratulations to our first “sheep holder”, Li Yansheng!

This scene took place on April 17 during a competition known as Village Wrestling in Yuanping City, North China's Shanxi Province. Nearly 10,000 spectators in the outdoor arena watched Li, from Beisanquan Village in Yuanping City, defeat six opponents in a row to secure the title of first “sheep holder” in the event.

This highly anticipated wrestling match, also known as Naoyang wrestling (fight for the sheep), originates from the Xinzhou region and usually takes place in village areas. Its particularity is that participants are not limited by their gender or age. In this particular competition, the youngest competitor was a 13-year-old girl, while the oldest was a 60-year-old man.

The victorious wrestler, who has won six consecutive victories, receives the title of “sheep holder”. Traditionally, the prize in these matches is usually a live sheep, and the winner proudly takes the sheep home, signifying victory and strength.

The Naoyang struggle dates back to the Song dynasty (960-1279). In ancient times, the Xinzhou region was located on the border and border guards engaged in wrestling as a form of training and entertainment in their free time to guard the city. Over time, this tradition gradually spread and became a local entertainment sport.

“The rules of this competition are quite simple: Any part of the participants' bodies other than their feet touching the ground results in defeat,” said Liu Mingyuan, president of the Yuanping City Wrestling Association.

In 2008, Naoyang wrestling was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list, and the three areas of Yuanping City, Xinfu District and Dingxiang County were also awarded the title of the hometown of Chinese wrestling. .

Like many others in Yuanping, Li grew up watching Naoyang Wrestling. The intense and exciting wrestling moves fascinated him and at the age of 7 he took the stage for his first competition.

“I had no experience in my first match and quickly had my head slammed into the ground by my opponent,” Li explains.

Influenced by the wrestling atmosphere in his hometown, Li embarked on the path of professional wrestling. Through continuous efforts, he has now become a member of the Shanxi provincial wrestling team.

Liu explains that the enthusiastic wrestling atmosphere in Yuanping has led many local young people to pursue professional wrestling careers, continually supplying talent to provincial and national teams.

“Yuanping brought more than 150 members to the Shanxi provincial team, and Yuanping wrestlers represented the national team in about 20 competitions,” he said.

Naoyang wrestling not only enjoys popularity among the people of Shanxi, but also attracts participants and spectators from Beijing, Hebei Province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

“Being at the venue was really impressive. I didn't expect China to hold a grassroots wrestling competition with so many passionate wrestling fans, maybe even more than some major wrestling events,” said Zhang Wenyan, a spectator from Beijing.

Liu said: “The Naoyang struggle is deeply appreciated by the people here. Meanwhile, our efforts are ongoing to refine the rules and format of the competition, allowing more people to better appreciate the joy that wrestling brings.





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