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Kristen Stewart says Hollywood is wrong for thinking it's removing the patriarchy when it only prioritizes movies starring Margot Robbie and a few other women

Kristen Stewart says Hollywood is wrong for thinking it's removing the patriarchy when it only prioritizes movies starring Margot Robbie and a few other women


Kristen Stewart was recently on the cover of Porter Review and called out fake Hollywood for the way it often congratulates itself on eliminating the patriarchy when in reality Hollywood has just prioritized a select group of women to operate in the studio world. While progress is being made, Stewart sounded the alarm that the changes for women in Hollywood are not as vast as Hollywood would have you believe.

[Theres a] thinking that we can check these little boxes and then end the patriarchy, and how that was all done, Stewart said. It's easy for them to say, “Look what they were doing.” We're shooting the Maggie Gyllenhaals film! We are filming the Margot Robbies film! And you say: Okay, cool. You chose four.

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And I'm in awe of these women, I love these women, [but] It seems wrong,” Stewart continued. If we praise each other for broadening our perspective, when we haven't really done enough, then we stop expanding.

Stewart has spent the last few years struggling to secure financing for his first feature film, The Chronology of Water. She said Variety earlier this year, before the Sundance Film Festival, that she was no longer interested in taking on new acting projects until she launched her directorial effort.

I'm going to make this film before working for anyone else, she said. Yeah, I'm going to quit this fucking business. I'm not going to make a fucking movie until I make this movie. I'll tell you for sure. I think this will move things forward.

Stewart would later say on the ground at Sundance that part of the reason she was attending the 2024 festival was to seek funding for the film, in addition to showcasing new films. This is why we are here, she said. I'm going to make this fucking movie!

Talk to Porter Review, Stewart had no new updates on when Chronology of Water would begin filming. The film is an adaptation of Lidia Yuknavitch's memoir of the same name and Imogen Poots has been attached to play the lead role for a few years.

My film is about incest, periods and a woman who violently reclaims her voice and her body, and it's hard to watch sometimes but it's going to be a fucking thrill, Stewart said. I think people would want to see that, but then I think maybe people want to watch movies about Jesus and dogs.

Meeting on Porters website to read Stewart's cover story in full.

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