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Hollywood Bowl prepares for summer concerts under the stars

Hollywood Bowl prepares for summer concerts under the stars


Guests will benefit from improved parking, transportation and dining
options at the Hollywood Bowl this summer. (photo courtesy of the LA Phil)

The Los Angeles Philharmonic announced new updates regarding the 2024 Hollywood Bowl season, which runs from June through September, and has opened single ticket sales for all LA Phil summer concerts and events.

The jam-packed schedule includes concerts under the stars with the LA Phil and Music and Artistic Director Gustavo Dudamel, as well as celebrated artists from pop, rock, hip-hop, jazz, Broadway, opera and film music. The season opens June 23 with the celebration of Henry Mancini's 100th birthday. The 20-time Grammy-winning composer has appeared regularly on the Bowls stage, conducting 29 times.

The LA Philharmonic Association has announced new additions to the program, including the Andrew Bird Trio joining Pink Martini on August 23-24. Led by Grammy-nominated multi-instrumentalist, singer and songwriter Bird, the trio includes Alan Hampton and Ted Poor. Birds' new album, Sunday Morning Put-On, features unique versions of classics from the Great American Songbook.

This summer, the public will benefit from improved transportation and parking options at the Hollywood Bowl. Lots A and D offer visitors pre-purchased on-site parking. Lot B now serves Park and Ride and Bowl Shuttle customers and provides access to ADA parking. Lot C is no longer available for parking and has been reconfigured as the Hollywood Bowl carpool center.

Visitors can now purchase a round-trip GoMetro pass for $3.50 as part of their event ticket transaction. Guests will receive two digital tickets: an event ticket and a transit pass. Purchasing a subway ticket also provides free access to the Hollywood Bowl Shuttle from the B Line at Hollywood/Highland Station, beginning two and a half hours before show time.

The Hollywood Bowl is the destination for summer live events. Every year we present an incredible lineup of remarkable artists, unexpected pairings and innovative programs, and this year is no different,” said Daniel Song, Acting CEO of LA Phil. What we've implemented this year are ways to further enhance the concert experience, through a renewed commitment to the Park and Ride and Hollywood Bowl Shuttle options, which remain the best ways to get to the Bowl and back, as well as increased carpooling capacity.

The Hollywood Bowl also features fine dining from Sodexo Live!, which has extended its partnership this season. Sodexo Live!, in collaboration with the Lucques Group, organizes the famous Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine program, which includes gourmet summer dinner menus, an extensive wine list and a picnic box program. The Bowl offers numerous culinary options, including three restaurants helmed by James Beard Award-winning chef Suzanne Goin and restaurateur Caroline Styne.

The Hollywood Bowl is located at 2301 N. Highland Ave. For more information, tickets and a full list of programs, visit




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