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In addition to acting, these 18 Bollywood celebrities have other incredible hidden talents


We associate Bollywood stars with acting. It’s because we always see them in the movies. But many of our players are also good in other areas. They have talents that are not generally known to the public.

Here is a list of some lesser-known celebrities and their talents.

1. Aamir Khan is also a chess player.

Besides being a good actor, Aamir Khan is also a fan of chess and played quite a lot. Games with the legend of chess Viswanathan Anand.

Source: India today

Some fans also narrated anecdotes of him playing the game during breaks in film shoots.

2. Akshay Kumar is a great chef.

We all know Akshay Kumar’s love for martial arts. He is also a very good cook and continues to share his cooking photos. He also hosted a season of MasterChef reality shows.

Source: YOU

3. Sonakshi Sinha is a seasoned painter.

Sonakshi spends a lot of his spare time painting. She also planned to organize an exhibition of her works. Several renowned artists invite him to inaugurate their exhibitions.

Source: Urban Asian

4. Yami Gautam is also an interior decorator.

Yami Gautam has always been inclined to interior decoration and she even once decorated her house.

Source: india forums

5. Kangana Ranuat is also a chef.

We are all big fans of Kangana Ranuat as an actress, but not many people know that she is very interested in cooking.

Source: DNA

6. Randeep Hooda is a polo player and competition rider.

Randeep is passionate about polo and also bought a polo team.

Source: India West

7. Shahid Kapoor is also a DJ.

Source: YOU

8. Katrina Kaif also plays the guitar.

Recently, Katrina Kaif shared a video of her learning to play the guitar while practicing social distancing in the midst of coronavirus locking.

9. Alia Bhatt is also a singer.

Besides her powerful performances, Alia also sang several songs in her films.

Source: YOU

10. Shashank Arora also does carpentry.

In an interview with ScoopWhoop, he talked about his passion for carpentry. He also made his own coffee table.

11. Parineeti Chopra is also a singer.

Although Parineeti always sang, she never had the chance to sing professionally, until she made her singing debut with the film Meri Pyaari Bindu.

Source: Bollywood MDB

12. Pankaj Tripathi is also a cook.

Recently, the actor revealed that he was spending his quarantine time cooking for his family. He also worked as a cook in 1998-1999.

Source: mumbai mirror

13. Siddhant Chaturvedi is also an Insta poet.

14. Boman Irani is a renowned photographer.

Boman started photography when he was a child and there was a time when he wanted to become a wildlife photographer at National Geographic. He clicks on incredible photos and posts them to his Instagram account.

15. John Abraham also makes sketches.

Source: theindiantelegraph

16. Ranveer Singh helps his team with screenwriting.

He also previously worked as advertising copywriter for some advertising agencies.

Source: Grandstand

17. Deepika Padukone writes poems.

She also shared a copy of a poem written by her when she was only in the seventh grade.

18. Priyanka Chopra is also a painter.

Priyanka found this new passion on the sets of Quantico At New York. She also shared a portrait of herself with a canvas and a brush.

Source: News18

How many did you know?

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