Borat Moviefilm Later Review: A Fictional Alien Is No Wiser In America
Fourteen years after Kazakh journalist Borat came to America to make a documentary about our great nation, he’s back in America older, dumber, much more famous and arguably even more politically incorrect and offensively funny than it wasn’t in 2006. And while Sacha Baron Cohens’ Outrageous Creation is now familiar to tens of millions of Americans, making it harder for him to pull off his special brand of prankster humor, he still manages to Shine the spotlight on a wide range of targets, including some very high-profile Republican leaders.
As we’ll learn in the prologue, Borats’ debut documentary turned his homeland into a global embarrassment and he was sentenced to life hard labor in the Gulag. Even the Borats family is ashamed of him; we learn that a son changed his name to Jeffrey Epstein in order to disassociate himself from the surname. (Hey. Not all jokes win.)
Now, however, Borat has a second chance to redeem himself and restore the reputation of the Kazakhs. He has to go back to America and present Vice President Mike Pence with the gift of a special genius monkey, who will somehow fix everything. Alas, the genie ape does not survive the trip (don’t ask), but Borats’ daughter Tutar (Maria Bakalova), 15, made the trip as a stowaway, which inspires what can. to be considered brainstorming for the fool Borat: He will deliver his daughter to Pence as a gift. Will I be the next Queen Melania? said the poor lost girl.
Let’s go for a series of mock documentary adventures, with Borat and / or Tutar taking on targets as easy as an Instagram influencer coaching Tutar on how to land a Sugar Daddy; a debutante ball in Macon, Georgia; a meeting of the Republican Women’s Club and a state fair in Texas. Borat arrives at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February 2020 dressed as Klansman and shouting, I’m Stephen Miller, sorry I’m late! and later crushes Pences’ speech in a Trump suit, carrying his daughter over his shoulder. Later, disguised as a singer who calls himself Country Steve, Borat takes the stage at a Conservative rally and blackmails the crowd with a ditty about how we should give Barack Obama, journalists and scientists the Saudi treatment. , that is, murder and dismemberment.
We’re almost sorry for some of the fools, including a few amiable backcountry conservatives who regurgitate conspiracy theories on the Clintons and when asked what’s worse, the COVID virus or the Democrats, immediately respond. democrats. There is also a surprisingly touching interlude when Borat walks into a synagogue dressed in the most offensive anti-Semitic attire imaginable and is greeted with kindness and compassion by two elderly Jewish women who genuinely want to show him the mistakes of his ways and wrap him up in it. compassion and tolerance.
Then there’s the instantly notorious sequence involving Tutar (who follows in his father’s footsteps and tries to become a journalist) leading an interview with Rudy Giuliani, who is very encouraging and very hands-on and very willing to have a drink with his interviewer. Although Giuliani is unaware that the person interviewing him is playing a 15-year-old, what’s going on is still bizarre, disturbing, and scary.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm enters the digs of President McDonald Trump, as the main character calls out POTUS, along with Facebook, Justin Trudeau, Kevin Spacey, American Karens and, for some reason, Dog the Bounty Hunter, among other targets. (There’s also a flashing cameo and will you miss a two-time Oscar winner.) The vulgar jokes about how women are treated badly in Borats culture are of course supposed to contain social commentary under -jacents, but maybe half of the comedic punches land, while the rest are coarser than funny.
There is a certain odd charm to the film within the film, as Tutar enjoys a new independence and Borat comes to love his daughter even though it goes against everything he has ever learned. Sacha Baron Cohen remains a fearless and funny comic force, and Maria Bakalova is hilarious and endearing as Tutar. We also get a smart twist ending and I won’t say more than that. Borat is an idiot, but Borat Subsequent Moviefilm ends on a pretty smart note.
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