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Kate McKinnon has the most fun on something awesome


While most people would rather spend time doing something they find interesting and fun, Kate McKinnon has the opposite experience. She actually has the most fun when she does something that feels awful to her.

McKinnon explained in detail why this was happening Netflix show Comedians in cars taking coffee, Read below to learn more about what this show is and what more McKinnon has revealed to fans.

What is it Comedians in cars taking coffee?

Comedians in cars taking coffee is a play directed by a legendary actor Jerry Seinfeld, It premiered in 2012 on the digital network Crackle, but was moved to Netflix in 2018.

Assumption of Comedians in cars taking coffee includes Seinfeld and a comedian guest who drives to a cafe or restaurant together. Along the way, they have discussions about many things from career to hard boiled eggs.

In addition to meeting some very funny people, part of what makes the series attractive to viewers is the movie vehicles which are shown. Each episode features a different vintage car that Seinfeld and his guest drive into.

Who is Kate McKinnon and what was her career like?

McKinnon was called to Comedians in cars taking coffee in 2018 and had a career in comedy for about 10 years at that point. McKinnon has launched on Logo TV Great gay sketch show, She was part of that for three seasons.

Her big break came in 2012 when she joined Saturday Night Live as a prominent player. McKinnon was promoted to lead actor the following year. McKinnon has been a huge part since SNL, She is best known for impersonating Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Elizabeth Warren, and even Justin Bieber.

McKinnon has won two Primetime Emmy Awards and one Critical Television Award for her work on SNL.

Why does Kate McKinnon enjoy doing something awesome?

Kate McKinnon smiled in front of a recurring background
Kate McKinnon | Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

Many fans watching SNL I can probably say that McKinnon enjoys entertaining people and having fun alone. That’s why she found out Comedians in cars taking coffee that he likes to do something he thinks he does terribly.

“I have the most fun dealing with something awful because I make fun of it and enjoy it,” Seinfeld said. “If something’s supposed to be fun, I hate it.”

McKinnon then shared an example of a time when he went to a live jazz show. Although she admitted it was pretty bad, she had a lot of fun because she could have fun with it.

What else has Kate McKinnon discovered Comedians in cars taking coffee?

McKinnon and Seinfeld also came together in a discussion of comedy and their shared thinking as comedians. McKinnon published that many comedians find it difficult to dress in the morning, which Seinfeld agreed to.

“That’s because it’s such a cerebral thing. You’d rather be a brain in a booth than talk about a physical body,” McKinnon said. “Plus, you can’t look too good. If you look too good, you stop being funny.”

However, the aspect of her life is that Seinfeld may not be able to relate to much of this is the fact that she is a woman. McKinnon shared that men don’t hit her often because of the clothes she wears.

“My outfit says, ‘Don’t talk to me,” she said. “I wore a pair of SquarePants spongebob hoodies, clogs and sweatshirts. I gave myself my hairstyles. And then I looked my best! “

However, women still approach McKinnon, and being a lesbian may not be such a difficult problem with a comedian.

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