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‘Law and Order: SVU’ Premiere Recap: Season 22, Episode 1


Warning: this post contains spoilers for Law and Order: SVUSeason 22 premiere.

Law and order: SVU had to end Season 21 prematurely last spring, but the procedure certainly made up for the time lost in Thursday’s Season 22 premiere.

COVID-19[FEMININEProtestationscontrelabrutalitépolicièreLeracismedansleRambledeCentralPark-toutestvenujouerpendantl’heurequiasuiviOliviaBensonetsonéquipealorsqu’ilsenquêtaientsurunvioldanslemêmequartierdeCentralParkoùAmy Cooper, une femme blanche, notoirement appelée la police de New York sur un ornithologue innocent Christian Cooper, un homme noir, en juin.

Dans la version fictive de mercredi, une femme blanche appelle la police, leur disant qu’un homme noir s’exerçant près d’eux dans le parc «fait peur à mon fils». (Elle insiste même: «Je ne suis pas de ces Karens», qui, [SureJan.gif].) Then the boy starts rummaging in the trees and reports that there is a man there, and he is injured. When the uniformed officers arrive, they physically struggle with the exerciser, handcuffing it. SVU then arrives, as the man in the bushes – Eric Aquino – has been raped and is in bad shape, and is unable to identify anyone as his attacker.

As the crowd grows, everyone holds their cameras to capture the action, Liv and Fin feel the pressure to shake things up. Since the exerciser, named Jayvon, has two outstanding terms and is uncooperative, they call to arrest him and return him to the station.

But the point is, Jayvon’s warrants were for protest. He didn’t commit a violent offense, and he’s rightly angry that the police assumed he was involved in the rape – they were only in the park because of the frantic call (and false) of the racist woman. After realizing that Jayvon is innocent, he sues the department and specifically names Fin and Olivia. Deputy Chief Garland warns Fin that with current anti-police sentiment, there is a “purge” ahead, and no one is safe: “Not me, not you, not Captain Benson.”

Olivia talks to Internal Affairs to make her statement on what happened. When her interviewer, a black officer, points out that Liv never thought about leading the white woman’s priors, Liv is upset to learn that the woman has a habit of making false reports and also has a restraining order against she. She adds that Olivia and Amaro had already met Jayvon, during a stop-and-frisk while they were looking for a serial rapist years ago. A visibly upset Olivia, whose implicit prejudices are laid bare before her, listens to the interviewer tell her that there are two types of white cops: gladiators, who are racist and can barely contain their anger against her, and the guardians, who think to themselves. as allies, but who refuse to do the job of dismantling their own prejudices. “I’m in shock,” she later told Garland.

Back at the station, Rollins and Kat find a guy shouting “Defund the police!” when Jayvon was arrested but who, it turns out, met Eric at a bar earlier that night and accompanied him to the park. This man is arrested (and also, irretrievably), but when Fin testifies in the grand jury proceedings, things fall apart when jurors start to drill into him about his involvement in filming the end of last season. . It goes so badly that Fin, Rollins, and Carisi engage in a shouting match outside the courtroom, and Fin basically calls Carisi a Staten Island racist. He is only interrupted when Punchable Face’s lawyer arrives to tell them that his client is going to testify before the grand jury.

PF testifies that he had consensual oral sex in the park with Eric, but says he got home before something bad happened to Eric. In addition, PF tearfully told the jury that he, Eric and Jayvon are victims because “The cops lie to you. I’m not. ”The grand jury votes not to go ahead with the case: Punchable Face is free.

Eric’s family are furious when they hear the news. “If you hadn’t stopped Jayvon Brown, none of this would have happened, right?” Her brother yells at Kat and Rollins. And even at home, Olivia finds Noah watching the video of Jayvon’s arrest. “Are you a racist?” he asks her, wondering if she told Jayvon that she was sorry.

The next morning, Liv goes to the park to tell Jayvon that they have filed a complaint against the woman who called the cops on him. But he lost his job and he is angry that PF walked. “The NYPD has, I have a lot of work to do, ”she told him. “Yeah,” he said before running, “yes”.

Now it’s your turn. What did you think of the first one? Rate the episode via the poll below, then hit the comments with your thoughts.

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