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Dundee's green technology innovation accelerator contributes $6.4 million to national economy, new analysis finds

Dundee's green technology innovation accelerator contributes $6.4 million to national economy, new analysis finds


Dundee's innovation accelerator contributed 6.4 million gross value added (GVA) to the national economy over three years, new analysis has found.

Michelin Scotland Innovation Park (MSIP) has supported 41 companies through its business support program, helping them raise $1.9 million in investment funding.

This has enabled it to have a “direct impact” on the economy in terms of GVA, figures released by MSIP showed.

MSIP – a joint venture between Michelin, Dundee City Council and Scottish Enterprise – aims to support innovative green technology companies working on sustainable solutions.

The MSIP Accelerator, funded by Scottish Enterprise and delivered by Skillfluence, aims to “help ambitious young companies developing new solutions in sustainable innovation and decarbonisation achieve step change in their business. ” specifically designed for this purpose.

Sarah Petrie, Innovation Director at Michelin Scotland Innovation Park, said: “In just three years, we have seen the MSIP Accelerator make an extraordinary contribution to the national economy.”

Our commitment to developing young businesses in sustainable innovation and decarbonisation is unwavering, delivering tangible results and driving Scotland towards a cleaner, greener future. ”

The 41 companies that have participated so far have shown great success and impact. We look forward to meeting the next group of companies that will be participating.

Across four cohorts, each company received a total of 2.5 million in innovation funding, enabling them to grow their businesses and create 81 jobs, as well as implement 21 innovation projects and generate a total of 12.7 million in sales. I created it.

As part of Cohort 5, we are currently seeking applications from ambitious companies looking to scale up their products and services with a focus on sustainable innovation.

Alison Gray, founder and director of Skillfluence Ltd, said: “We are delighted to partner with MSIP again on this exciting accelerator program, which has produced several companies that have worked at the forefront of sustainability and generated significant investment to date. I did.”

Skillfluence takes pride in offering world-class accelerator programs designed to help individuals and teams accelerate the achievement of their goals. Our program includes a combination of skill development and hands-on coaching to support participants throughout the process.

Companies that benefited from the scheme: Zuos Solariskit Power to go Hyrdo PowerCircle LIND Products Intra-drive Genista Energy Ltd. Frisco e-bikes and Solar Docks TraPar Quickblock Ltd Kottackal ELE Group DCarbon Danu Robotics Cyclopic City Q Caigan Vehicle Technologies Boxergy Bounce HANA Vahanomy Ltd. ThermaFY Eco Solutions 4SB dpSun Ltd./ IC2EV Carruthers Renewables Ltd CalPac Resources Limited Myriad Wind Energy Solutions Ltd. Shakey Robotics Innovators Ltd. Tronius Ltd. Lidir Circular Mobility Ltd. Kinetic Hydro Ltd HydroTux (Greenway Fuels) Well Spent Ltd. Recarbox Redbarn Group Ltd./ Veritherm Copper & Carbon Ltd. BioBright Boaber by Innovation Rural Donaa Ltd. Other Way Climate Limited




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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