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“I love him,” says Eijaz Khan of Pavitra Punia


Bigg Boss 14: 'I love it', says Eijaz Khan of Pavitra Punia

Pavitra Punia shared this photo. (Image courtesy: pavitrapunia_)

Strong points

  • Eijaz Khan opened up about his relationship with Pavitra
  • “We’ll see where it goes,” he said
  • “Do not define it or label it”, he added.

New Delhi:

Eijaz Khan, who has temporarily left the Great leader house to shoot a web series, confessed that he “loves” Pavitra Punia and that his intentions are “honest and pure” in a recent interview with India time. Eijaz and Pavitra shared a love-hate relationship inside the house until Pavitra’s eviction. Speaking about his relationship with the actress, Eijaz Khan said they both met each other’s brothers and took one step a day. “When I met Pavi (Pavitra), I met his brother too. He is kind. I also met my brother. We take each day as it comes. I love him. My intention is honest, pure and Pavitra, voluntary pun! We’ll see where it goes, don’t define or label it, ”he told TOI.

Recently on Bigg Boss 14, Pavitra Punia entered the house after his eviction to meet Eijaz, and the duo confessed their feelings for each other. They had a big trend on social media for their beloved moment.


Responding to rumors that his equation with Pavitra is a promotional stunt for Salman Khan’s reality show, Eijaz said, “There is no better place to realize a person’s reality than at home. BB: She’s a soft heart, in fact she’s the most caring person I know. Woh jis tarah se dhyaan rakhti hai, saaf safaai karti hai apna samajh kar. She cooks for me. My fourth call after leaving home was to her. After leaving my dad, I spent the most time with her since coming out understanding the unspoken “and added:” A lot of things needed to be addressed, not just about her past, but also what we are doing. let’s think about each other. We are not children, we are not in the dating game and we have had our sorrows. Let me put it this way, people who think my equation with Pavitra is wrong are themselves wrong. “


In the same interview, Eijaz Khan said he would spend more time with Pavitra to get to know her better. He said they will both make decisions about their relationship “with the well-being in mind.”

“To be honest, I was scared when I was inside the house because you start building castles in the air without understanding the other person. So you better play ‘BB“in the real world … to understand each other or to fight (laughs),” he added.

Eijaz Khan has starred in several movies and TV shows. He is known for his performance in the film by R Madhavan and Kangana Ranaut Tanu marries Manu and series Kkavyanjali. Pavitra Punia has worked in shows like Love u Zindagi, Sawaare Sabke Sapne Preeto, Hongey Judaa Na Hum, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, and Kavach … Kaali Shaktiyon Se.

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