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Actor / director Max Martini on the presentation of the military on the big screen


If you like military movies, it is safe to say that you will recognize Max Martini. Although his film career not only includes roles centered on the military, he has built a reputation within the military community both as a proud supporter of the military and as one of the toughest actors in cook on the screen.

I first remember recognizing Max Martini as a militant actor during his filming of “The Unit”, a popular CBS television series on elite special operators assigned to the 1st operational detachment of the special forces-Delta ( SFOD-D), commonly known to those of us outside of our elite fraternity as Delta Force. Since then, Max has played fighters of all kinds in fan favorite movies like Save Private Ryan, 1 p.m., Spectral, Captain Phillipsand one of my favorite science fiction movies, Pacific Rim.

Max Martini in “Pacific Rim”

(Warner Brothers)

His most recent military foray was Sgt. Will Gardner. The film depicts a Navy veteran who has struggled since his separation from service and is now trying to re-establish a relationship with his young son. The film was an exciting project for Max, who wrote, produced, directed and starred.

But above all, making the film was not only about telling a powerful story about service and buyout, it was also about helping veterans in the real world. He promised 30% of the film’s profits to veteran charities.

Sgt. Will gardner

(Mona Vista Productions)

I was lucky to sit with Max (digitally) during this coronavirus quarantine, and ask him a few questions about his career, his work on behalf of the military and veteran communities, and just what it takes to play some of the most badass characters ever screened.

Max played both real and fictitious special operators, and has made a name for itself among veterans. I asked Max what made him return to this kind of difficult role.

“My father was an artist living in New York, so I grew up in the arts. But that said, my mother was a cop. I grew up in the arts, I went to art school, I graduated in fine art and came out with, you know, a hundred and fifty billion dollars with no way to pay for it, “said Max.

Max Martini in “Saving Private Ryan”

(Dreamworks photos)

“I was asked to audition a film because I had tried to play, then the second film I had was Save Private Ryan. It was transformational for me. I had just finished my studies at the art school and I did not have much sense of politics or appreciation for the military. Then I made this film, and I really started to better understand our service members, and I really loved the community because there were obviously a lot of former soldiers involved in the making of this film. . “

It’s not only that he developed an appreciation for the service through filming Save Private Ryan, he also quickly established himself as a solid actor capable of playing military roles.

“I don’t know, it’s as if Steven Spielberg gave you this seal of approval which said:” Okay, he makes a good soldier “, and everyone gets on board,” joked Max.

Of course, because Max played a member of Delta Force previously, I felt the need to speak to one of my friends who was actually part of this elite unit to see what he would be interested in learning to play such a role. So I called the legendary Delta Force operator, George E. Hand IV, and he wanted to know how actors like Max play their military roles realistically on screen.

“Well, I think it’s a combination of things. Like, for example, when I did it Captain Phillips, we had a Navy technical advisor but he was not someone who showed you how soldier, he was someone who showed you the functionality of the ship, “he recalls.
“But the guys around me were all elders [special operations] the guys on the team and they would say, “Man, you should say that.” One of the guys was about to relieve the crew on the hit ship, so he was familiar with the operation. “

He then talked about his time by specifically playing a Delta Force operator Unity.

“The unit was adapted from a book that Eric Haney wrote. He was one of the original guys from Delta. So Eric was a producer on the series and he gave us a lot of training, then he was there every day to technically monitor us. “

Max Martini in “The Unit”


Max points out that his resume isn’t everything that helps him gain military roles. Now he is a close friend of a number of veterans and does a lot of gun training on his own. He could do it because it’s fun, but the technical skill he develops in shooting with Special Operations veterans tends to translate into his realistic handling of weapons on the screen.

“I think it’s also a consideration when people hire me. People say,” We won’t have to do much with him to prepare him for the show. “

Max’s appreciation for the military was not only born from his real friendships with veterans. He also made a number of trips abroad to visit deployed soldiers. Max’s decision to donate 30% of the profits of Sgt. Will gardner talks about his passion for supporting the military, which he says is a responsibility of the Americans.

“I am very convinced that if someone joins the military, that we Americans share the responsibility of ensuring that when they return from the fighting, they receive health care on the red carpet and all the resources they need to re-integrate properly into civilian life. “

Max Martini’s latest film, Sgt. Will gardner, is now airing on a number of platforms, but Max points out that paying to see the movie on Amazon Prime not only helps support his efforts to make more movies in this vein, but also helps the three organizations. charitable veterans with whom he shares the profits.

You can broadcast Sgt. Will Gardner on Amazon here.

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