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How to increase LGBTQ + representation in Hollywood

How to increase LGBTQ + representation in Hollywood


Don’t tell me it’s a sin to be in love with her instead of him.

2021 is here and Hollywood still hasn’t been able to become queer! You could come and vehemently refute my claims by citing the miserable examples in which a supporting actor might have kissed a random person of the same sex (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, is that you?), but that’s it. With studies from GLAAD showing just how under-represented the LGBTQ + community is in Hollywood, the alarming question about diversity and representation remains and the difference is glaring, vivid, ugly and undeniable.

While apologists might rush with examples from films such asBohemian Rhapsody, Call Me By Your Name, Deadpool 2, Crazy Rich Asiansand others, it is relevant to take note of the screen time of these characters as well as the roles they played. Why aren’t any of the superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe openly gay? It won’t be until October 2021 that Marvel will finally present its first gay superhero in Phastos, a role played by Brian Tyree Henry in Chlo Zhao’s upcoming film.The Eternals. In addition, films such asBohemian Rhapsodyhave been criticized for trying to put Freddie Mercury’s romantic entanglements aside.Star wars,in what appears to be his attempt to be aroused and inclusive, featured a short kiss, while Jude Laws Dumbledore, inFantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, languishes without a word from Johnny Depps Grindelwald without moving.

Most of the films that are diverse in their representation come from the independent film industry. For example,Moonlight,gay noir film by Barry Jenkins, took the Academy by storm, avenging the previous insult from his predecessor Ang Leesbrokeback mountainlosing to the Oscars because of the prejudices of the Academy’s conservative board of directors. At the same time, popular TV shows likeFriendshave been criticized for their lack of portrayal as openly gay characters, or people of color, and their problematic gags about the LGBTQ + community. However, series likeThe Big Bang Theoryfeatured Jim Parsons, a gay actor, in the lead. While recent projects likeSchitts Creekchampioned the cause by making Daniel Levy the pansexual drama brother, David, on the show, it’s important to note that all of these characters mostly tick the prerequisites. While some of the characters do identify as queer, they are usually white males playing the characters.

The problem is too deeply rooted and cannot be changed overnight. Cultural conservatism and homophobia are important sociological aspects that have had a direct impact on the film industry whose beliefs stem from the satisfaction of audience tastes. We are instilling heteronormativity at a very early stage. Heterosexuality is the only possible way to be, and even textbooks lack a fluid representation of gender. We are assigned pronouns like he / him and her, while other pronouns like them are never taken into consideration. This leaves the queer community confused and disillusioned about their identity and feeling alienated, while those who identify as heterosexual remain ignorant and uneducated about the issues of their peers. It is a social evil which must be fought with real consideration. Children imbue themselves with the values ​​described in cartoons and draw inspiration from these characters. The lack of LGBTQ + representation in Disney films and the like is not very favorable. WhenToy story 4featured a very short scene of a same sex couple, there was a scandal. Conservatism is hard to meet, but if not now, when?

White cis-het men playing gay characters are a fairly common occurrence in Hollywood. It could leave young members of the LGBTQ + community frustrated when they see their favorite gay character walking the red carpets with their wives. They may have the impression that the boundaries between the real and the real are blurred; you can probably only be gay on screen, but in real life heterosexuality is the answer. Similar issues arose just recently when Harry Styles appeared on the cover ofVoguedressed in flowing clothes. Styles has attended the MetGala before wearing flowing clothes, pearl earrings, and black heels; he was magnificent and ethereal. He was vehemently attacked by angry and intolerant right-wing activists. Surprisingly, his fan base, which includes young teens, has rushed to his support. While Styles has been praised for his bravado, one wonders if the reception would be the same for a queer woman of color?

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(Credit: Teddy sterblom)

Recently, Ellen Page came out of the closet as Elliot Page and received nothing but love and support. This redirects our attention to the lack of trans characters in Hollywood. By incorporating bisexual and lesbian characters into teen dramas, trans characters remain marginalized. Of course, we have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. Hiring people from the LGBTQ + community to be part of the team is also an important step. They should not be shunned because of their non-normative preferences. Employment should be available to everyone, regardless of their sexuality or gender, if at all.

It seems that a large part of the film production houses remain reluctant to take the risk. The posts during Pride Month and seeing the directors and actors support the community seems somehow wrong. Why do it if you don’t mean it? Homosexuality seems to be limited within the limits of fanfiction. Teen girls write queer erotica in the dark of their bedrooms and upload it to sites that are falsely labeled as taboo. Why can’t we normalize these relationships? Years ago, people of color, regardless of their sexuality, were marginalized. Now the hierarchy seems to be present in the community where white men take the upper hand over others. To produce a film like that ofPortrait of a Lady on FireorMatthias and Maxime, Hollywood must get rid of its conservative ideals and the transphobia they commit under a false ally masquerade. To be a true ally, provide economic support, not just Instagram posts.

Moreover, why not support them concretely by employing more people from the community, which would make them financially independent? Naturally, a large part of the movie houses are concerned about censorship. Many countries are known to ban and / or remove scenes that explicitly portray homoeroticism. The normalization of homosexuality is prevented by religious fanaticism, irrational dogmatic beliefs as well as lack of acceptance. They despise each other. Movies represent society and in the same way, Hollywood also plays its fair share in discrimination. Remember Ellen DeGeneres’ reaction to her early days? Remember how Neil Patrick Harris didn’t go beyond his fair share in TV roles? Why didn’t Jim Parsons play a gay Sheldon?

Society is not monolithic; it has various sides and facets, where there are various types of people. Breaking gender norms and stereotypes is extremely important as it helps create a safe space for non-binary individuals. Gender is a social construct; sexual independence is a basic human right. By introducing queer and non-normative characters, Hollywood will not only help individuals find a role model to identify with, but also promote inclusiveness and recognition of various types of sexuality. Lack of education on this subject often leads people to use slurs that are hurtful and quite unnecessary. A number of films use gay people as an insult, whenever they bully a weaker character. Other derogatory slurs are often used without thinking without considering the repercussions they might have. Ignorance and lack of empathy as well as stubbornness in not shying away from prejudices often lead to such misadventures. Screenwriters need to be careful about the type of words they choose as insults. What was funny and politically correct a decade ago may not be anymore. It is of the utmost importance to learn and unlearn the ten year old notions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

For a generation that considers itself awake, we are certainly at fault in some cases. However, if there’s one thing we should all be proud of, it’s how inclusive we are. There still seems to be hope as LGBTQ + relationships have been decriminalized; most recently, Biden, after assuming his role as POTUS, rejected Trump’s ban on the trans community from joining the military. The world is trying to be a better place, and Hollywood is only right to follow suit. Reinforcing stereotypes by refusing to portray anything beyond their normative definition would only anchor these prejudices in the minds of young viewers who would become equally intolerant, sectarian and intransigent. Of course, you can have your own opinions, but gender and sexuality should transcend their narrow selves.

The Academy is always homophobic, giant production companies are always dismissive, and the actors often remain in hiding for fear of being bombarded with troubling questions by the paparazzi. Hollywood’s megalomania is a farce, its awakening is a facade, and the standard-bearers are still fanatics. Challenging the hydra of public conservatism is a long drawn out process. Hollywood has the power of visual media to change lives by portraying the myriad of sexualities that exist. To be a true ally, they can not only expand economic and cultural acceptance, but also help prevent the perpetuation of otherness. Now is the best time to question the choice of films and characters, to ask why and how marginalized communities can be put forward. The goal is to strive for an inclusive, diverse and well-represented future.

Love has no gender. Take the one who loves you.

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