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Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck at the Venice Film Festival: Outfit Details – WWD


Finally, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have arrived.

The couple walked the red carpet on the penultimate day of the Venice Film Festival for Affleck’s latest film, “The Last Duel,” for which he also wrote the screenplay. Beside him are Matt Damon, Adam Driver and Jodie Comer.

Adapted from the book of the same name by Eric Jager, the historical drama, directed by Ridley Scott, is set in 14th-century France and tells the story of a woman who was raped by her husband’s best friend. Her husband then challenges his friend and a squire to a combat trial, which ultimately becomes the last legally sanctioned duel in the country’s history.

Styled by Rob Zangardi and Mariel Haenn, Lopez wore a Georges Hobeika couture dress from her fall 2021 collection and completed the look with a diamond bracelet, Cartier earrings and ring and Jimmy Choo platform heels in metallic silver. Affleck wore a simple black tuxedo finished in a bow tie.

Jennifer Lopez, right, and Ben Affleck pose for photographers as they arrive at the film's premiere

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck pose for photographers as they arrive at the premiere of “The Last Duel” at the 78th Venice Film Festival on September 10, 2021.
Joel C Ryan / Invision / AP

This is the couple’s first red carpet appearance since their relationship reestablished in April, shortly after Lopez ended his engagement to former MLB star Alex Rodriguez.

The two were together from 2002 to 2004 and were one of the liveliest couples of the early August era, with tabloids calling them “Bennifer.” They got engaged in 2002 and had a wedding date set for September 2003, but it was eventually postponed due to heavy media attention. In January 2004, the two canceled the engagement.

Musician and actress Jennifer Lopez and her fiance, actor Ben Affleck, arrive on February 9, 2003 for the premiere of the film

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck arrive on February 9, 2003 for the premiere of the film “Daredevil” at the Mann Village Theater in Los Angeles.
Hubert Boesl / picture-alliance / dpa / AP Images

Lopez and Rodriguez started dating in 2017 and got engaged in 2019, although they had to postpone their marriage twice due to COVID-19. In March 2021, it was reported that the two were calling off their engagement, prompting the couple to issue a statement that they were working as part of their relationship. In April, the two finally broke up.

Besides her success in entertainment, Lopez has also launched a popular beauty line, called JLo Beauty, and is one of the Coach brand ambassadors. In January, she performed at President Joe Biden’s inauguration, where she wore a crisp, all-white Chanel look.


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