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Sharon Stone, 63, exudes elegance in a striped black suit as she attends Milan Fashion Week

Sharon Stone, 63, exudes elegance in a striped black suit as she attends Milan Fashion Week


Sharon Stone, 63, exudes elegance in a striped black suit as she attends the Dolce & Gabbana boutique event during Milan Fashion Week

Sharon Stone was in high spirits as she attended a photo call for the Dolce & Gabbana boutique event during Milan Fashion Week.

The actress, 63, exuded glamor in a black striped blazer with an eye-catching strap, as she teamed with matching trousers.

She teamed the costume with a black lace bodysuit for a touch of sex appeal and added several long chains around her neck.

Having fun: Sharon Stone, 63, was in high spirits as she attended a photo call for the Dolce & Gabbana boutique event during Milan Fashion Week

Having fun: Sharon Stone, 63, was in high spirits as she attended a photo call for the Dolce & Gabbana boutique event during Milan Fashion Week

Elevating her waist in a pair of metallic gold heels, she accessorized her look with a pair of gold Dolce & Gabbana heart-shaped earrings.

Her short blonde locks were artfully tousled and she finished her look with a classic red lip.

The Basic Instinct star was beaming widely as she posed up a storm on the red carpet alongside Adam Senn and Sam Webb.

Stylish: The actress looked glam in a black striped blazer with a suspender, which she wore with the matching striped pants.

Stylish: The actress looked glam in a black striped blazer with a suspender, which she wore with the matching striped pants.

Stunning: She teamed the costume with a black lace bodysuit for a touch of sex appeal and added several long chains around her neck

Stunning: She teamed the costume with a black lace bodysuit for a touch of sex appeal and added several long chains around her neck

On the mark: Elevating her waist in a pair of metallic gold heels, she wore a pair of gold Dolce & Gabbana heart-shaped earrings

On the mark: Elevating her waist in a pair of metallic gold heels, she wore a pair of gold Dolce & Gabbana heart-shaped earrings

She later underwent a wardrobe change, slipping into another black suit to attend the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show.

Sharon donned a black blazer with jeweled lapels, along with the matching pants.

She added a pair of silver heels, gold earrings and stashed her essentials in a silver metal handbag, while hiding her eyes behind a pair of sunglasses.

Youthful Look: Her short blonde locks were skillfully tousled and she finished her look with a classic red lip.

Youthful Look: Her short blonde locks were skillfully tousled and she finished her look with a classic red lip.

Sharon’s journey arrives asit has been revealed that she will star in an adaptation of Lisa Barr’s soon-to-be-published novel Woman on Fire.

The actress’ participation in the project was revealed by Deadline, which also noted that she would be one of its producers.

The project centers on a journalist embroiled in a scandal related to a Nazi-looted artwork that could potentially turn deadly.

Good mood: The Basic Instinct star beamed widely as she posed up a storm on the red carpet alongside Adam Senn and Sam Webb

Good mood: The Basic Instinct star beamed widely as she posed up a storm on the red carpet alongside Adam Senn and Sam Webb

Lead role: Sharon's journey comes as it was revealed she will star in an adaptation of Lisa Barr's forthcoming novel Woman on Fire

Lead role: Sharon’s journey comes as it was revealed she will star in an adaptation of Lisa Barr’s forthcoming novel Woman on Fire

She later underwent a wardrobe change, slipping into another black suit to attend the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show.

She later underwent a wardrobe change, slipping into another black suit to attend the Dolce & Gabbana fashion show.

The outlet noted that the forthcoming book would force readers to “consider where the line should be drawn between the pursuit of justice and the hunt for revenge.”

Although no release date for the next project has been released, Woman on Fire is set to make its public debut on March 1.

Sharon promoted the upcoming film with a post that was shared to her Instagram account earlier this week, and she added a single heart emoji in her caption.

Queen of accessories: she added a pair of silver heels, gold earrings and stored her essentials in a silver metal handbag

Sunglasses: Meanwhile, she hid her eyes behind a pair of sunglasses

Queen of accessories: She added a pair of silver heels, gold earrings and stowed her essentials in a silver metal handbag, while hiding her eyes behind a pair of sunglasses

Glamour: Sharon donned a black blazer with jeweled lapels, with the matching pants

Glamour: Sharon donned a black blazer with jeweled lapels, with the matching pants





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