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Meet the duo transforming Boston's fashion scene

Meet the duo transforming Boston's fashion scene


Joaquin Crosby-Lizarde and Josh Maizes posing for portraits with displays of clothing for sale.
North East students Joaquin Crosby-Lizarde and Josh Maizes are the minds behind Select Markets. Photo by Alyssa Stone/Northeastern University

Northeastern third-year students Joaquin Crosby-Lizarde and Josh Maizes don't shy away from being fashion-forward.

I dress very differently all the time, says Crosby-Lizarde. Some days I dress in a streetwear style. Other days I dress in post-punk gear. And then [even on] other days I might look like a homeless person to someone.

Corn agrees.

I literally wear shirts riddled with holes that look like they've been thrown away, and then a lot of it is definitely influenced by streetwear, he says.

This may seem unorthodox to some, but for them, fashion is about self-expression.

It’s also about building community.

Crosby-Lizarde and Maizes are the minds behind Select Markets, a new Boston-based vintage clothing company that's energizing the city's fashion scene with ready-made thrift stores featuring Northeast student vendors selling their second-hand finds.

Since launching their business last semester, the two have hosted three thrift store parties at area venues, each bigger and crazier than the last. In addition to selling second-hand clothing, the events also regularly feature DJs, local artwork, temporary tattoo stations, screen printing and more.

Their goal is to make thrifting a cultural experience at the intersection of fashion, art and entertainment.

Right now, that's mostly focused on students selling their own second-hand clothes, Crosby-Lizarde says. But in the future, we really want it to be a market that works with local artists, clothing sellers and local brands.

Some 400 people showed up to the first Selects event at the Piano Craft Gallery in Boston in November.

And more than 1,300 people attended their biggest pop-up at the Foundry in Cambridge last month.

Crosby-Lizarde and Maizes are not fashion majors themselves (Crosby-Lizarde majors in marketing and Maizes majors in industrial design), but they are involved in the fashion scene on campus.

Last year, Crosby-Lizarde was a member of Northeastern's Fashion Society. And this year, he's a member of The Avenue, the university's fashion and culture magazine.

Although Maizes is not part of any fashion clubs, he regularly hangs out with people at those clubs, he said.

They came up with the idea to create Select after noticing a dearth of cool fashion events while living in Boston in recent years.

I'm from New York and Josh is from Florida, and in both areas where we grew up there were a lot more avant-garde events. We felt like in Boston there wasn't really the same scene or the same amount of activity,” Crosby-Lizarde said.

So they decided to start organizing these events themselves.

The majority of vendors selling at these pop-ups are students or graduates from the Northeast.

Take as an example Grace Herbst, a 2023 graduate of Northeastern. She is the founder of Upcycled by Gracewhich designs and sells clothing from recycled fabrics.

These types of events can play a huge role in promoting community and showcasing the work of local creatives, Crosby-Lizarde and Maizes say.

In developing Select Markets, Crosby-Lizarde and Maizes knew it was important to host the kind of events they would be excited to attend.

When you go to a clothing store, it's not like you then go to your friends and say, “That was the coolest experience I've ever had.” But if you go to a store that has a pop-up, for example, there are drinks and there are people hanging around, Maizes says. That’s what keeps people coming back.

Besides being fun, thrifting can be a cheaper, more sustainable alternative to shopping at expensive retail stores, they note.

Economics was at the heart of this approach, explains Crosby-Lizarde. We want to give people access to fashion, but it doesn't have to be very expensive.

You don't have to go to Lululemon or Nike to find cool clothes, he adds. These are people going to the trash, spending maybe $5 on five shirts and reselling them for $5 each.

Interested in attending a pop up?

You won't have to wait too long. The next Select Markets event will be March 31 at Arts and Armory in Somerville from noon to 5 p.m.

Discover the groups Instagram page to find out more.

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