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Why Gabriela Hearst considers sustainable fashion the ultimate luxury

Why Gabriela Hearst considers sustainable fashion the ultimate luxury


WWhen Gabriela Hearst launched her eponymous brand in 2015, one of the pillars of its creation was a strong commitment to sustainability. It’s a decision that follows a clarion call from his past. After her father died in 2011, the fashion designer inherited Santa Isabel, the 17,000-acre family ranch where she grew up in Paysand, Uruguay. Visiting his isolated childhood home reminded Hearst of how they made their own blankets and furniture, relying on the ranch's valuable resources to build pieces that would last, a stark contrast to the trash-filled practices of the fashion industry where she had worked for over a year. decade. I started to see the disconnect between what I was doing in New York and what I was dealing with in Uruguay, she says. That’s when I started to become very concerned about climate change.

In the nine years since founding her brand, Hearst has helped redefine her industry, arguing that knowing where clothing materials come from and who makes them is the true form of luxury. Her designs, which emphasize elegant silhouettes, expert cuts and meticulous craftsmanship, have become staples of the thoughtful woman's wardrobe. Her fans include Angelina Jolie, Greta Thunberg and Jill Biden, who wore one of her dresses during the 2020 presidential inauguration. In addition to managing Gabriela Hearst, she also served from 2020 to 2023 as creative director of the French brand Chlo, which she helped become the first European luxury fashion house to obtain B Corp certification. But even as Hearst's reputation has grown, its mission remains the same: to create beautiful clothes with care and inspire people to join the climate fight. They have the desire for beauty, so I have to bring consciousness to the product, she says. You cannot deny the climate-related disasters that are constantly occurring around the world. It's here and it's happening and we were all going to do it pay a price.

Learn more: How small businesses can make a big impact in the climate fight

Every step of Hearst's design process is an opportunity to honor the climate commitment. She breathes new life into leftover Turkish carpets and cashmere scraps, which are reincarnated into colorful overcoats and sharp blazers. Her handbags are on a waiting list, not out of a desire for exclusivity, but because she makes them in limited quantities or to order, which helps reduce waste. In 2019, she achieved the first carbon neutral parade and announced that its brand was plastic-free, both front and back of house. She also doesn't care if her customers buy more. I am very happy that my customers just find a good sweater, she says. I grew up with that kind of farm mentality; if it is of good quality, it will last you for years. So we wanted to have a well-designed and timeless product, using the finest materials in the world and manufacturing it to the highest standard.

But Hearst's vision for a more sustainable future goes beyond fashion. She is a strong advocate for the development of nuclear fusion, dedicating her Chlo Spring/Summer 23 collection to the clean energy solution. She believes her advocacy is as vital to her brand as her more creative side. Your heritage is your value system, she says. We know it will be one of the brands of the future. I am willing to put in the time and dedication because I can take a long-term view. I know exactly where we are going.




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