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This tent dress is all you'll wear this summer

This tent dress is all you'll wear this summer


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We're already thinking about our late spring and summer wardrobes – just We? It's never too early to start planning, moving forward and getting excited about upcoming fashion trends. If no one has told you yet, long dresses are about to become a big deal, so it's time to find a must-have!

Not only are maxi dresses trendy and stylish, they're also an ultra-flattering choice. The right maxi dress will make you look and feel like a princess – seriously! Some styles are more flattering than others; you want to find something that is either completely loose or tight at the top and loose from the ribs to the bottom.

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If you've ever traveled to Europe, you know that the style is a little different than in the United States, especially in the big cities. In places like Paris, Santorini, and Rome, European women typically dress with a luxurious, understated aesthetic, combining solid colors and soft, lightweight fabrics for a look that's both casual and elegant. […]

This tent dress combines a maxi dress with the flattering cut of a tent dress — it's a duo made in fashion paradise! 100% Tencel Lyocell material makes it soft, breathable and eco-friendly. If you're unfamiliar with lyocell, it's the more eco-friendly version of rayon made from regenerated cellulose fibers. In other words, you can wear this dress with a clear conscience!

It features a tiered design with three sections below the bra line. All seams are pleated, which gives the dress a dynamic look and helps it flow freely from your body. This will not tighten your body in any way! This is the beauty of tent dress – it is meant to flatter your body with a somewhat fitted top and draped mid and lower sections.

The dress hits mid-shin, so even if you're on the smaller side, you don't have to worry about this dress dragging on the floor. Phew! It also has adjustable buttoned straps that allow you to cover more or less of your chest depending on your needs. If you want to cross the straps at the back, you can do that too! Overall, this is a very customizable outfit…the hidden pockets are just a bonus.

And it's not just We who likes this dress — a titled buyer his criticism “Buy this summer dress today!!! ” and explained how well he held up after a year. “I have worn and washed it several times and I am still in love with this dress. Holds up well in the wash and I even put it in the dryer. No notable shrinkage. It's soft and flowy but flattering. I love this dress and have purchased it in other colors over the year.

The dress exists in 18 different styles, some solid colors and others with eyelet or denim details. Whichever you choose, you'll be ready to spin, dance and jump – that's the only way to describe the energy this dress brings. Just click “Add to Cart” and your new favorite outfit will be on its way!

See it: get it Drop Women's Britt Tiered Maxi Tent Dress For $42 (originally $60) on Amazon! Please note that prices are accurate as of publication date, March 27, 2024, but are subject to change.

Not what you're looking for? Shop other long dresses tent on Amazon and don't forget to shop Amazon's daily deals here!




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