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Last minute goal sinks Siena men in match against Canisius

Last minute goal sinks Siena men in match against Canisius


LOUDONVILLE, N.Y. (NEWS10) — Siena men's lacrosse held a 9-5 lead at halftime of their midweek MAAC matchup with rival Canisius, but was unable to pull out a victory. Golden Griffins senior midfielder Jackson Webster scored with 34 seconds remaining to lift Canisius to a 13-12 victory over the host Saints at Hickey Field on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.

Siena (3-6, 1-3 MAAC) lost for the fifth time this season by two goals or less and for the fourth time by just one goal.

Playing in a manner similar to previous game scripts, the Saints played another strong first half of lacrosse behind a pair of hat tricks from junior attack Pratt Reynolds and sophomore attack Caden Olmstead.

But the Golden Griffins (3-7, 1-3 MAAC) responded strongly in the third quarter, outscoring Siena 5-1 down the stretch to tie it heading into the final quarter.

Siena regained the lead twice in the fourth on goals from Jack Cavaioli with 12:42 left on an assist from Ryan McCarthy and again with 5:39 left on an unassisted goal by Cavaioli.

The senior midfielder from Farmingdale, N.Y., finished with a career-high six points (two goals and four assists).

His previous high had been three points in a single game against VMI just 11 days earlier.

Cavaioli has already set new single-season personal bests for points with 16 and assists with eight.

The captain's eight goals equaled last season's total.

Canisius found a way late, receiving a goal from Hunter Parucki off an assist from Webster with 4:26 left to lock the score at 12 before Webster's game-winner.

Siena had one last opportunity when Dylan Pape won the faceoff and recovered a ground ball to maintain possession. A shot from Olmstead went wide before Siena called a timeout with 15 seconds remaining.

During the regroup, Olmstead fired a shot that deflected off the helmet of Golden Griffins goaltender Tommy Kunz, who scored his 15th Saved the afternoon as Canisius managed to run out the clock after Alexis Simard threw the ball into the air as time expired.

Many statistics were nearly even or favored the Saints, including a 27-21 edge in shots on goal and a 48-42 edge in shots overall. Pape was 15 of 28 on faceoffs. A major advantage went to Canisius in terms of saves (15-8).

Siena returns to action on Saturday, March 30 at 12 p.m., traveling to Staten Island to face Wagner (1-8, 1-2 MAAC) in the championship. The Seahawks were scheduled to face LIU on Wednesday and entered having lost three straight games.




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