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Shop this Zendaya-inspired pleated sweater dress

Shop this Zendaya-inspired pleated sweater dress


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Have you seen Zendaya lately? The notoriously well-dressed actor is in press for the film Challengers, which hits theaters on April 26. Every time we scroll through a new photo of the actor, I can't help but notice how amazing it looks. Plus, I'm impressed with how she intentionally incorporated tenniscore into her ensembles. There's no denying the magic she creates with her longtime stylist Law Cockroach.

In case you missed it, the 27-year-old plays a former tennis prodigy turned coach in the upcoming film. Her inclusion of sports in her press looks is much appreciated. As usual, her ensembles have put her at the top of best-dressed lists.

On April 8, she attended a press conference at the Hassler Hotel in Rome, Italy, where she wore one of my favorite looks to date. THE Challengers The star wore a sparkling custom-made Loewe tennis dress. She completed the look with custom Loewe stilettos with a real tennis ball in the heel. This luxurious ensemble inspired me to serve up a little sporty fashion IRL.

Zendaya tennis dress
Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images

I have no plans to hit the tennis court anytime soon, but that won't stop me from looking like one. Ha! Abercrombie & Fitch as a superb Pleated mini sweater dress it's both sporty and chic. The fitted mini has a crew neckline and features ultra-comfortable knitted fabric. Stripes along the seam and waist add a sporty touch to this refined dress. It should go without saying, but the pleated skirt details are one of my favorite things about this number.

Pleated sweater dress

Get the Pleated mini sweater dress For $80 at Abercrombie & Fitch!

The cream version of the dress may not be the best option for fashionistas like me, who tend to stain lighter colored clothes. If you don't want to risk pulling out a Tide To-Go stain remover pen every few minutes, it's available in dark indigo and French blue in women's sizes XXS through XL.

If you're feeling inspired by Zendaya's look, join the club. I can't wait to wear this versatile number with canvas sneakers, to look like a real athlete. Lol! This dress is so versatile. It's also perfect for dressing up. Pair it with a pair of stilettos for a truer recreation of Zendaya's original look. The dress also pairs perfectly with sandals and chunky wedges. You can not be wrong.

Want to adopt a tenniscore look inspired by Zendaya? We are on the same wavelength! Choose this Abercrombie & Fitch dress for a sporty look that's sure to turn heads whether you're on or off the tennis court.

See it: get it Pleated mini sweater dress For $80 at Abercrombie & Fitch!




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