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Improving the Fashion Industry, One Point at a Time

Improving the Fashion Industry, One Point at a Time


Fashion influencers and social media have contributed to the growth of fast fashion in recent years, defined as the rapid and cheap production of low-quality clothing. Additionally, the global cost of living crisis has reduced the disposable income of many consumers. Despite the increase in jobs brought about by the industry's growth, critics warn that fast fashion imposes a throwaway culture, which has a significant negative impact on the environment and human rights.

The fashion industry, more broadly, is considered the second most polluting industry in the world by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. In a society dominated by fast fashion trends and disposable consumerism, one woman is leading a movement to challenge established norms and advance sustainability in the fashion industry. Meet Sarene Alsharif, CEO and Co-Founder of A little more sewingwho is revolutionizing the fashion industry with her innovative approach to clothing modifications and reshaping the way people perceive their wardrobe.

Sarene Alsharif: CEO and co-founder of Tad More Tailoring

With training as a dietitian and a master's degree in public health, Sarenes' journey into the fashion world may seem unexpected at first glance. However, her passion for health promotion and disease prevention was the catalyst for her journey into sustainable fashion.

Sarenes became aware of the environmental impact of the fashion industry during her research into the fast food industry, which led her down a rabbit hole to discover the surprising truth about fast fashion. Shocked by the industry's status as the second dirtiest in the world, she was determined to find a solution to combat its harmful effects on the environment. The UN, alongside countries like the UK and France, has recognized the need for a solution to fast fashion. To combat this problem, they announced the 30+ Clothes Challenge, encouraging people to wear each item of clothing at least 30 times before throwing it away. If people want to wear their clothes more often, they need to look and feel good in them, otherwise it will never happen. This is why sewing solutions are essential to reducing waste produced by the fashion industry, she explains.

Driven by her mission to promote healthier lifestyles, Sarene Alsharif co-founded Tad More Tailoring, with the aim of encouraging people to wear their clothes longer, thereby reducing waste and mitigating the industry's environmental footprint of fashion. What started as a physical sewing studio transformed into an online platform, thanks to the 2020 lockdown, offering convenient alterations services accessible to customers across the United States.

Tad More Tailoring's core philosophy centers on convenience, quality and sustainability. By offering clear pricing, simple mail solutions and meticulous attention to detail, the Tad More Tailoring team ensures that each customer receives high-quality custom alterations tailored to their needs. Sarene shares the process. We only have one location, but we have many tailors. When the box arrives, it is first processed and then sent back to the sewing team. They adapt it. We check the quality then send it back. The reason we are adamant about having a single facility is because we focus on quality control, which is of utmost importance. This is why we are so special.

What sets this Tad More apart is more than its commitment to sustainability, its emphasis on customer satisfaction and affordability. Through video tutorials and virtual styling appointments, Tad More empowers customers to engage in their clothing alteration process in a way that fits their preferences and learning styles. This is ultimately our goal, to make everyone feel better, expresses the CEO.

Tad More Tailoring has completed over 80,000 modifications so far, garnering praise from happy customers and businesses alike. Testimonials attest to the company's reliability, superior quality, and dedication to exceeding customer expectations. The website gave me reassurance that it was quite simple to get the changes I needed with a note in the box and a follow-up email. The results were exactly what I wanted, says one satisfied customer.

In addition to serving individual customers, Tad More Tailoring has expanded its services to collaborate with businesses such as dry cleaners and boutiques, providing a reliable solution for their alteration needs. By providing clear pricing, consistent quality and efficient turnaround times, the company has become a trusted partner for businesses looking to improve their customer service and profitability.

For Sarene, entrepreneurship is not just about building a successful business; it's about making a positive impact on people's lives and the planet. She is truly leading the charge towards a more ethical and conscious future by tackling the public health implications of the fashion industry and providing sustainable solutions, saving over 2.6 thousand gallons of water and approximately 6.9 thousand pounds of CO2 from 2023.

As Sarene Alsharif continues to inspire change through her innovative approach to fashion edits, her story serves as a reminder that entrepreneurship has the power to create meaningful solutions to pressing global challenges. With determination, creativity and commitment to sustainable development, she proves that small changes can have a big impact on creating a better world for future generations.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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