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Zendaya's little white dresses pack a punch in fashion history

Zendaya's little white dresses pack a punch in fashion history


Zendaya Wimbledon's Whites belong in their own Hall of Fame. Over the weekend, the Challengers The actress pulled off an all-white style tour de force in a quartet of monochrome tennis dresses, each with inspiration just as impressive as the next.

Yesterday, in front of the Duomo, Zendaya headed to a photo shoot in Milan while wearing a piece of American fashion heritage. The actress donned a backless number from Ralph Lauren's spring 1992 collection, a piece originally worn by a young Cindy Crawford on the runway. The Zendaya dress featured a flared mini skirt, fitted bodice and collared neckline, all the elements of the perfect little tennis dress. She styled the look with white Louboutin heels, flying curls and a selection of Bulgari jewelry.

Zendaya and her stylist Law Roach took a more subtle approach to archival dressing for Challengersespecially compared to its recent Dune: part two press tour. No, there are no flashy Mugler robot suits or McQueen-era Givenchys, but this Ralph Lauren mini dress is a true fashion ace in every sense of the word. Also during her time in Milan, Zendaya brought out another holy grail of high fashion that could just as easily be classified as a tennis outfit as an evening dress.

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She wore a personalized number from London brand 16Arlington to appear on the Italian TV show. What weather is it. Like her Ralph Lauren number, this look was styled in a fairly simple silhouette and worn with matching Louboutin pumps.

Stefania D'Alessandro/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Zendaya kicked off her weekend in Monaco by offering a lesson in fashion, tennis and history all in one. She paid tribute to tennis legend Althea Gibson, the first black woman to win a Grand Slam tournament in 1956, in a sleeveless top and pleated white shorts. The matching pieces, designed by Roger Federer-backed brand On Running, were a direct reference to Gibson's iconic tennis whites.


A few hours earlier, the actress and her co-stars played real tennis at the Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters tournament. The event, which also served as Challengers photo shoot, saw the actress appear in a luxurious Brunello Cucinelli ensemble consisting of a long-sleeved ribbed shirt and a dramatic skirt with a center slit. Who knew there were so many ways to play white tennis?

Jean Catuffe/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images




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