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Meghan Markle's polo outfit was reminiscent of the royal wedding dress

Meghan Markle's polo outfit was reminiscent of the royal wedding dress


Meghan Markle's ensemble at Prince Harry's final polo match might look familiar.

On April 12, the Duchess of Sussex stepped out to support her husband at the Royal Salute Polo Challenge match to benefit his charity Sentebale in Wellington, Florida, where she wore a Ivory halterneck midi dress by Heidi Merrick with a cutout at the stomach and a tie around the neckline.

The neckline and hue are reminiscent of Meghan's second wedding dress by Stella McCartney which she wore for the evening reception at Frogmore House following her wedding ceremony at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in May 2018.

Like many modern British royal brides, like Kate Middleton and Princess Eugenie, Meghan, 42, has changed her look between her weddings. The Duchess of Sussex wore a custom-made white silk dress with a boat neckline and three-quarter sleeves by Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy for the nuptials at St. George's Chapel and donned the figure-hugging Stella McCartney number for the private party hosted by the future king. Charles later today.

The whole polo day thing had another possible connection to her husband. Dubbed the “Ginger” dress, Meghan might have noticed the nod to Prince Harry's famous hair shade.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend their wedding reception at Frogmore House on May 19, 2018.
Steve Parsons – WPA/Getty Pool

Meghan has long opted for backless styles and a friend may have recommended the Merricks piece. The friend and former of the Duchess of Sussex Suits her costar Abigail Spencer wore the same pleated white dress from the polo match to the designer's birthday celebration in September 2023.

“On the ground' @hmerrick Happy anniversary Heidi and Johnny. I love you. ” Spencer wrote in the caption of a Instagram carousel of photos and videos showing her wearing the frock coat under a denim jacket in the woods.

Meghan made a fashion statement at the Royal Salute Polo Challenge at the Grand Champions Polo Club in the backless dress, amping up the glamor with vintage Chanel earrings, a white Valentino shoulder bag and beige Aquazurra pumps. She donned oversized sunglasses from Merrick in the “Santa Barbara” style, which share the name of the California city where Meghan and Prince Harry, 39, live with their children, Prince Archie, 4, and Princess Lilibet, 2 years old.

From left: Nacho Figueras, Delfina Blaquier, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend the Royal Salute Polo Challenge in Florida on April 12, 2024.

Jason Koerner/Getty Images

Prince Harry and Meghan posed for photos before the polo match with Ignacio “Nacho” Figueras and Delfina Blaquier, who wore a red floral top and pants ensemble by Scanlan Theodore with sunglasses and a straw hat.

Speaking exclusively to PEOPLE at the event, Figueras said the Duke of Sussex is thriving as a father.

“Prince Harry is doing very well and I admire the way he has fully embraced fatherhood over the last two years,” Figueras, 47, said before he and Harry took the field on teams opponents.

Nacho Figueras and Prince Harry during the Royal Salute Polo Challenge benefiting Sentebale at the Grand Champions Polo Club in Florida on April 12, 2024.

Jason Koerner/Getty Images

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The professional horseman adds that Prince Harry “loves being a dad” to his son, Prince Archie, and his daughter, Princess Lilibet. “He loves being a parent. I admire him so much as a parent,” he says.

“He has a wonderful and supportive wife in Meghan Markle,” Figueras adds.

Prince Harry (second from left) and Meghan Markle (center) attend the Royal Salute Polo Challenge in Florida on April 12, 2024.

Jason Koerner/Getty

“Seeing Prince Harry so involved with his children and happy with his wonderful wife is heartwarming,” adds Sentebale Ambassador Figueras. “His passion for family matches his passion for polo, and that’s what attracted me to him when we met years ago.”

Prince Harry co-founded the charity in 2006 to help young people in Africa affected by poverty, inequality and HIV/AIDS, and has used polo as its main fundraising vehicle, notably through the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup, the flagship fundraiser organized in the summer.




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