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A fashion show to benefit Aspinwall School while boosting local women-owned businesses

A fashion show to benefit Aspinwall School while boosting local women-owned businesses


Girls just want to have fun and shop.

This is the message that the organizers are spreading about the Sip & Style Fashion Fundraiser 2024 scheduled for May 5 at the Pittsburgh Field Club in Fox Chapel.

Co-organizers — and best friends since their kids were 3 — Jayna Varley-Ifft of Fox Chapel and Lauren Shepherd of Hampton assembled a volunteer dream team to execute the fashion-filled fundraiser to benefit Catholic Academy Christ the Divine Teacher in Aspinwall.

Last year's event attracted hundreds of women from as far away as Murrysville, South Hills, Sewickley and Leechburg for an afternoon of champagne, shopping and a live fashion show showcasing spring and summer looks local sellers.

“Leave the children at home. You deserve an afternoon with the girls, and we want to see everyone come from everywhere,” Shepherd said.


Joyce Hanz | TribLive

Attendees browse sellers' offerings at last year's Sip & Style event to benefit Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy in Aspinwall.

A $75 ticket includes a buffet lunch, a free glass of champagne and a cash bar.

The fundraiser is open to those 18 and older.

Attendees will be able to shop in the ballroom at more than 15 pop-up boutiques.

Local artisan jeweler So Me Artisan Wares & Jeweler's Studio is one of more than a dozen vendors scheduled to participate.

Owner Amy Klein McGinley has over 25 years of experience creating custom, re-designed jewelry and jewelry repair.

Additional list of pop-up shop vendors include Mayabee Design & Photography, Magnolia on Main, Suma Wares & Wears, Dovecote, Nouveau Designer Consignment, Graze Craze Charcuterie, Groove On, Brooks Diamonds, Bits & Bows, Trendy, One Brilliant, Morrow & Dean. , Carte Blanche, Pittsburgh Gold Buyers, Whimsical Wardrobe Boutique and Boutique Cajoli.

“It’s important to support these small businesses and have a vibrant community, because without them, the community is not the same. So we bring them out and let people party,” said fashion show organizer, model and volunteer Holly Natali.

“All of our salespeople were women last year. Seeing these women lift each other up is empowering,” Shepherd added.

Silent auction package items include a weekend getaway to the Grand Resort in Warren, Ohio, a high-value U.S. Open basket from Oakmont Country Club, a skin care line from Dr. Suzan Obagi's new line, Veea Face, and Pittsburgh Ballet Theater.

Stacey Brooks Tavolario, owner of downtown Pittsburgh's Brooks Diamonds, returns to the lineup.

“My kids went to CDTCA and I definitely wanted to help support women-owned businesses. It's about mingling and meeting a new woman. This is a lovely afternoon event in a charming and elegant setting. Everyone is happy and having a good time,” Tavolario said.

Nancy Delaney, owner of Fox Chapel's Groove On, will bring clothing for customers to shop from the racks, including Charlotte Brody, a New York-based brand offering classic silhouettes with a twist. Accessories and jewelry for women will also be available.

“Everyone is always excited about spring and summer, and it's a fun day that encourages shoppers to find something from a good mix of sellers,” she said .


Joyce Hanz | TribLive

Holly Natali models an outfit at last year's Sip & Style Fashion fundraiser to benefit Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy.

Last year's event brought in $38,000 for the school, and this year there is a waiting list for vendors.

Guests will receive goody bags filled with goodies from sponsors and vendors.

CDTCA is a nonprofit organization founded in 1925 that serves more than 200 students in grades K-8.

The school relies entirely on philanthropy and private tuition, as well as fundraising, to operate.

Shepherd emphasized that the event rolled out the welcome mat for everyone.

“The goal is to make them feel welcome and bring a friend.” It’s your day,” she said.

“It’s not an obligation, it’s a destination,” Shepherd said of fundraising. “It’s a destination because it’s where you want to be that day.”

Palmer added: “The moms really pull out all the stops, and it’s a chance to make a new friend – and the school’s mission is to be inclusive and value community.”

To purchase tickets online, visit


Joyce Hanz | TribLive

Jayna Varley-Ifft and Lauren Shepherd return as co-organizers of the Sip & Style Fashion 2024 fundraiser to support Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy in Aspinwall. They met April 14 at the Pittsburgh Field Club to prepare for the event, which draws buyers from throughout the Pittsburgh area.

Joyce Hanz is a native of Charleston, South Carolina, and is a reporting journalist in the Pittsburgh area. She majored in media arts and graduated from the University of South Carolina. She can be contacted at [email protected]




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