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Dress for Success partners teach job readiness skills

Dress for Success partners teach job readiness skills


Annie Block makes a no-cook energy bite at the Dress for Success event at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas, on April 6. The Health and Wellness Fair, led by Caitlin Fitzpatrick, offered a variety of educational activities for all who attended. SOURDOUGH PHOTO BY MOIRA CULLINGS

by Moira Cullings
[email protected]

KANSAS CITY, Kan. As they left the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) on April 6, Dress for Success participants were invigorated by everything they had learned.

Among the lively crowd, Caitlin Fitzpatrick beamed.

It's been so rewarding and amazing, said Fitzpatrick, who spearheaded the event. I couldn't have asked for more.

Fitzpatrick is a doctoral student in the occupational therapy program at KUMC’s School of Health Professions.

The Dress for Success health and wellness fair for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities was one component of her capstone project.

Lindsay Krumbholz chats with “Dress for Success” attendees. Many of them are employees of The Golden Scoop, an ice cream parlor and cafe that Krumbholz and his sister Amber Schreiber, graduates of St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park, founded. SOURDOUGH PHOTO BY MOIRA CULLINGS

She partnered with The Golden Scoop, a nonprofit ice cream parlor and cafe in Overland Park that provides meaningful employment for people with disabilities, where she works as director of operations.

Several community partners donated their time and resources to make the event a success with the 30 men and women who participated.

Activities held at multiple stations allowed them to learn about job readiness skills, such as communication, fitness, healthy snacks and hygiene.

In a separate conference room, their caregivers listened to presentations and learned about resources related to ABLE accounts, special needs trusts and more.

Mike Letourneau of Creative Planning leads a presentation for caregivers of those who attended “Dress for Success.” SOURDOUGH PHOTO BY MOIRA CULLINGS

Dress for Success was part of Golden Scoop University's training program, which is defined by four pillars: professionalism, health and wellness, interpersonal skills, and field training skills.

One of the things we noticed at Golden Scoop is that our Super Scoopers didn't know what health and wellness activities actually were, Fitzpatrick said, but they were eager to learn.

It's really about establishing those resources and sharing information with that population. There is no such thing for them.

Many Golden Scoop employees, known as Super Scoopers, were eager for the experience.

Jack Melvin is all smiles at the Dress for Success event. SOURDOUGH PHOTO BY MOIRA CULLINGS

And with the stores planning to open a second location near the 103rd and 69 Freeways in Overland Park this summer, the event also attracted Super Scooper hopefuls.

Health and wellness is something we strongly promote at The Golden Scoop, said co-founder Amber Schreiber, because many of our employees want to work more hours, but they don't have the stamina.

We try to encourage them to eat well, exercise [and] bring healthy snacks when they have a longer shift.

Schreiber and her co-founder and sister Lindsay Krumbholz graduated from Overland Parks St. Thomas Aquinas High School.

Schreiber said service hour requirements in schools set the tone for both sisters striving to make a difference in their community.

I think that laid the foundation for Lindsay and [me]she said, and that stuck with us throughout our journey here with The Golden Scoop.

Sam Buechler (standing) guides Jacob Degner, left, and Hank Wolf in a healthy snack-making activity led by Chef David of Kitch Meals. SOURDOUGH PHOTO BY MOIRA CULLINGS

Since opening their first store in 2021, the duo has relied on community members like occupational therapists, who understand the unique needs of their employees and can prepare them for success.

Fitzpatrick was grateful for the encouragement she received from the sisters to take this project and make it her own.

She hopes participants will leave with a better understanding of positive lifestyle habits like healthy snacking and hygiene routines.

And I hope they will also feel more comfortable speaking and participating in social activities within the community, she said, because it is very important and also encourages fitness and continued well-being in your life.




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