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The bride wore four different dresses designed by her mother-in-law for her wedding in San Miguel de Allende

The bride wore four different dresses designed by her mother-in-law for her wedding in San Miguel de Allende


Mariel wore Silvia Tcherassi everywhere. For their welcome party at the historic Instituto Allende art school, she opted for a custom-made floor-length white dress paired with custom gold Gia Borghini boots embroidered with their wedding date. (The stylish yet practical shoes came in handy, as the evening quickly turned into a dance party hosted by Mauricio himself.) The next day, she wore a pink sequin column dress and an Olympia Le clutch. Tan for a cocktail at Rosewood San Miguel. by Allende.

On Saturday, Mariel walked down the aisle in a sweeping backless dress with floral appliques at Hacienda Luna Escondida. I loved my wedding dress almost as much as I loved the process of creating it. Silvia showed me some beautiful haute couture samples that I immediately fell in love with and once the fabric arrived, she started working on it, says Mariel. Throughout the process she insisted that the dress had to look beautiful from every angle, which of course I really appreciated. She studied images of the wedding venue and took everything from lighting to natural scenery into consideration when designing my dress. Mauricio was waiting for her at the altar in a Dior suit and gold cufflinks that belonged to his grandfather.

The couple said they were overcome with emotion during the ceremony, particularly during the exchange of wedding rings on which their names and the date of their wedding were engraved.

Afterwards, guests headed to an enchanted forest reception. If you looked up, the ceiling was lit by constellations and the tree lighting was supposed to look like fireflies. It was straight out of a fairy tale, Mariel said. As everyone sat at tables adorned with roses, hydrangeas and yellow orchids, the couple had their first dance to Frankie Vallis Cant Take My Eyes Off You.

The evening reached its climax when Mariel surprised Mauricio with a performance by Chico & The Gypsies. We will never forget when they played at Volare and the whole wedding was dancing and singing, says Mariel. The choice was perfect considering both of our parents love the band and we grew up listening to this soundtrack thanks to them. As the night wore on and the dancing got wilder, the bride changed into a mini dress and Nike x Sacai sneakers adorned with Silvias couture fabrics.

The couple says they are still on cloud nine after their wedding. We are overwhelmed with gratitude to our friends, family and of course each other. We couldn't have asked for a better start to our marriage, says Mauricio.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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