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Northwestern splits games against Indiana and Purdue

Northwestern splits games against Indiana and Purdue


Northwestern concluded its regular season with two conference games as coach Arvid Swan's team took on Indiana and Purdue.

In their first Big Ten matchup of the weekend, the Wildcats (9-17, 3-6 Big Ten) hosted the Hoosiers (16-10, 4-5 Big Ten) in a Friday night match at Combe Tennis Center. NU struggled to find its rhythm during the early stages of the game, resulting in a crushing 4-1 Indiana victory.

The game's doubleheader saw the Hoosiers get off to a torrid start. Their No. 1 and No. 3 doubles teams prevailed, giving the visitors an early 1-0 lead.

Indiana's No. 1 doubles team of seniors Jagger Saylor and Ilya Tiraspolsky quickly defeated senior Gleb Blekher and junior Felix Nordby 6-2.

For doubles match No. 3, the pair of “Cats”, composed of freshmen Jackson Caldwell and Nick Herdoiza, lost 6-3 against Facundo Yunis and Luc Boulier.

The lack of success in the doubles game carried over into the rest of the match, as NU only won one singles court.

The 'Cats' lone singles win came courtesy of a brilliant effort from Nordby, who defeated freshman Nikola Kolyachev in dominant fashion with scores of 6-1, 6-1.

In its second match of the weekend, NU bounced back by defeating Purdue 5-2 in an outdoor match at the Vandy Christie Tennis Center on Sunday afternoon.

Unlike their first match of the weekend, the 'Cats got off to a quick start against the Boilermakers (7-15, 2-7 Big Ten), winning on the No. 1 and No. 3 doubles courts.

However, NU's No. 2 doubles pair, freshmen Greyson Casey and seniors Presley Thienemen, fell 6-3 to Purdue's freshman duo of Stefan Simeunovic and Henrik Villanger.

Swan's No. 1 doubles pair, Nordby and Blekher, earned the first advantage of the doubles game by defeating Juan David Velasquez and Daniel Labrador by a crushing score of 6-1.

Swan's group clinched the doubles point as its No. 3 pair, Caldwell and Herdoiza, bounced back from their previous loss to Indiana. The duo recorded a 6-4 victory over Soham Purohit and Mujtaba Ali-Khan, which gave the 'Cats an early 1-0 lead.

NU continued its momentum throughout the match, winning four of six singles matches, but the visitors had their work cut out for them, including Thieneman, who battled with Simeunovic on the first court.

In the first set, Thieneman seemed to have complete control of the match, winning 6-2. However, Simeunovic fought back in the second set and went toe-to-toe with Thieneman until the 'Cats' senior prevailed with a thrilling 7-6 victory.

NU will face Wisconsin in the first round of the Big Ten tournament on Thursday. This will be a home contest for the 'Cats, as the conference tournament will be held at the Vandy Christie Tennis Center.

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