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Tori Spelling Reveals Her 90210 Co-Star Shannen Doherty Wore the Blood-Stained Dress She Lost Her Virginity in to Ryan Ozar: 'We Used to Share Everything!'

Tori Spelling Reveals Her 90210 Co-Star Shannen Doherty Wore the Blood-Stained Dress She Lost Her Virginity in to Ryan Ozar: 'We Used to Share Everything!'


Tori Spelling revealed that her former Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Shannen Doherty borrowed the dress she lost her virginity in during a candid new chat.

Spelling, 50, who played Donna Martin on the series, lost her virginity to her first serious boyfriend, Ryan Ozar, whom she dated between 1991 and 1993.

Speaking on the MissSpelling podcast, Spelling revealed that the item of clothing had a “big blood stain” on the back.

She says: 'Remember the Betsy Johnson dress you wore in our biggest casting photo? It was black, floral, Spelling asked.

“We shared clothes, everything” before Doherty said: “Are you trying to tell me you lost your virginity in my dress?”

Tori Spelling Revealed Her Former Beverly Hills, 90210 Co-Star Shannen Doherty Borrowed the Dress She Lost Her Virginity in in Candid New Chat - Doherty Is Seen in the Dress

Tori Spelling Revealed Her Former Beverly Hills, 90210 Co-Star Shannen Doherty Borrowed the Dress She Lost Her Virginity in in Candid New Chat – Doherty Is Seen in the Dress

Spelling, 50, who played Donna Martin on the series, lost her virginity to her first serious boyfriend, Ryan Ozar, whom she dated between 1991 and 1993.

Spelling, 50, who played Donna Martin on the series, lost her virginity to her first serious boyfriend, Ryan Ozar, whom she dated between 1991 and 1993.

In addition to reflecting on their days on their popular teen drama series, which ran for ten seasons on Fox from 1990 to 2000, the actresses reflected on what led them to part ways (seen in 1992).

In addition to reflecting on their days on their popular teen drama series, which ran for ten seasons on Fox from 1990 to 2000, the actresses reflected on what led them to part ways (seen in 1992).

Spelling retorted, “Um, no, I'm going to say you wore the dress I lost my virginity in.”

'I told you. I literally said, “There's a bloodstain on the back and you were like, I don't care.” »

Doherty said: “It has been cleaned up though. I just don't think they removed that stain or anything like that. . . We were going somewhere and I had nothing to wear so I borrowed this dress.

This comes after the couple recalled the end of their close friendship in Monday's episode of the Let's be clear podcast.

In addition to reflecting on their days on their popular teen drama series, which ran for ten seasons on Fox from 1990 to 2000, the actresses looked back on what caused them to part ways.

Before their reunion, Doherty, 53, said she worked hard to remember the “pivotal moment” that broke their bond.

Spelling said: “I told you.  I literally said, there's a bloodstain on the back and you were like, I don't care.

Spelling said: “I told you. I literally said, there's a bloodstain on the back and you were like, I don't care.

Tori Spelling and her former Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Shannen Doherty recalled the end of their close friendship on Monday's episode of the Let's Be Clear podcast.

Tori Spelling and her former Beverly Hills, 90210 co-star Shannen Doherty recalled the end of their close friendship on Monday's episode of the Let's Be Clear podcast.

Spelling, 50, admitted his passive personality may have contributed to the “downfall” of their friendship.

“You were always easily influenced,” the Memphis native admitted. “And it was very frustrating for me because I would always tell you, 'Yeah, Tor, have an opinion.' Like, you're smart, you're funny, you're talented.

She continued, “I loved you and I respected you and I wanted you to believe in yourself as much as I believed in you.”

Doherty said she believes one of Spelling's ex-boyfriends, who has not been named, also drove a wedge between them.

Spelling later described this boyfriend as “abusive” and a “drug addict.”

“There's one moment I particularly remember looking at you and saying, 'You have to finish him off or I'm going to kill him.' Like I couldn't just sit back and watch this,” Doherty recalled.

After a trip to Mexico together, at the time, with their respective boyfriends, Doherty recalls that they began to “break up” because Spelling “didn't break up” with her troubled boyfriend.

“You stayed and you were tortured a little longer,” Doherty said.

Ultimately, Doherty recalls, Spelling began to look “towards the others” in their cast, which included Luke Perry, Jennie Garth, Jason Priestley, Brian Austin Green and Ian Ziering.

Doherty then recalled some tense moments between her and the others, including when she was chosen to pose for the cover of Rolling Stone, alongside Perry and Priestley, in 1992.

The Charmed star reminded Spelling that she was one of “several actors” who sat her down and told her she shouldn't “do reshoots without the entire cast.”

Spelling, who doesn't remember the incident, apologized.

“I’m sorry,” Spelling said. 'I could not [speak up]. Sometimes, at 50, I still can't speak for myself.

At the time, Spelling said that when she was young, she tended to follow “whoever was the alpha.”

Before their reunion, Doherty, 53, said she worked hard trying to

Before their reunion, Doherty, 53, said she worked hard trying to “figure out” what the “pivotal moment” was that broke their bond.

Spelling, 50, admitted his passive personality could have contributed to the “downfall” of their friendship.

Spelling, 50, admitted his passive personality could have contributed to the “downfall” of their friendship.

“I think I couldn’t defend myself… I didn’t take ownership of anything. So it's like, you know, nice, nice, nice to everyone. But it's like you said, having a fucking opinion on something. And I’m sure I did,” the mother of five said.

During their time on Beverly Hills, 90210, there were rumors of behind-the-scenes conflicts, and Doherty left the program in 1994.

Doherty's choice to quit was discussed by the star and his co-star Jennie Garth, who played Kelly Taylor, in an episode of their 90210MG podcast in July last year.

The 51-year-old actress admitted: “I would have liked Brenda to stay on the show, certainly, but I don't know where they were going to go with her character.”

Doherty said she believes one of Spelling's ex-boyfriends, who has not been named, also drove a wedge between them (1991 photo).

Doherty said she believes one of Spelling's ex-boyfriends, who has not been named, also drove a wedge between them (1991 photo).

Spelling added: “If I have to answer as a fan, that’s how we get into the show right now, by rewatching it. Yes, I wish that would have happened so Brenda could stay.

“Being in and out of what was happening at that time, there probably needed to be a break because there was just – the energy, you know, she wasn't happy .”

Asked about being on set, the mother of five said: “A lot of people weren't happy. I think it affected everyone and so the energy became toxic on set.

“I'm not saying she made him toxic, just because of everything that happened.

Both Spelling and Doherty starred in the 2019 reboot of their series, titled BH90210, which was canceled after one season (see above).

Both Spelling and Doherty starred in the 2019 reboot of their series, titled BH90210, which was canceled after one season (see above).

“So we needed a break. But yeah, if we had taken a break and everyone had calmed down and settled, it would have been really nice to have Brenda back,” the actress added.

Both Spelling and Doherty starred in the 2019 reboot of their series, titled BH90210, which was canceled after one season.

Last month, Spelling shared a throwback of her and Doherty laughing hysterically at a party at the Roxbury.

“Very few people can make me laugh,” she captioned the image. “You were always one to do it.” Total inclination. Laugh like no one is watching. But ironically, everyone is. So what. Let's go on.




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