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Liberty University Flames

Liberty University Flames


TEXAR KANAArk. Playing 36 holes of match play wasn't enough for the Flames on Thursday, as Liberty won its first-ever CUSA Men's Golf Championship in spectacular fashion in the postseason.

With the Flames trailing in the championship match against No. 4 seed UTEP, Liberty had birdies of Josh Ryan And Austin Barbin on hole No. 18 (par 4, 462 yards) to extend the match into a playoff.

Freedom Isaac Simmons (1 at the top) and Ike joy (3&2) gave the Flames the first two team points in the conference championship game, setting the stage for extra-hole drama.

After Barbin lost on his first playoff hole, the overall match and title came down to Ryan's match against UTEP's Dylan Teeter.

Teeter, who had a 3-point lead over Ryan after seven holes, matched Ryan stroke for stroke through the first four holes of the playoff.

Ryan's short iron approach to the green of No. 5 (par 4, 397 yards) landed inches from the cup and settled four feet from the hole.

Teeter left his birdie try shot crossed and missed his par attempt before conceding the match to Ryan and the title to the Flames.

With the come-from-behind victory, Liberty captured a title in its first season as a member of Conference USA and the program's eighth conference title since 2011.

With the victory, the Flame earned CUSA's automatic bid to the NCAA Regional Championship. Liberty has qualified for NCAA regional play the last eight consecutive seasons and 14 times overall in program history.

The Flames will experience their NCAA regional selection on May 1 when the NCAA reveals the regional field during a special broadcast on Golf Channel at 2 p.m. EST.

NCAA regional games will take place May 13-15 at six regional sites. Three regional sites will have 13 teams and 10 individuals and three will have 14 teams and five individuals.

The top five teams (30 teams total) and lowest ranked individuals not on an advancing team (six individuals total) from each regional venue will advance to compete in the championships at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, California.

Liberty cruised its way into the CUSA Men's Golf Championship title match with a 3-1-1 victory over No. 2 seed Sam Houston in morning play.

The Flames led for most of the match and picked up individual wins from Joy (3&2), Simmons (2&1) and Ryan (2&1).

Semifinal match against No. 2 seed Sam Houston (W/ 3-1-1):

Championship match against No. 4 seed UTEP (W/ 3-2-0):

  • Josh Ryan (LU) beat Dylan Teeter (UTEP) (23 holes)
  • Sebastian Sandin (UTEP) conquered Austin Barbin (LU) (19 holes)
  • Isaac Simmons (LU) defeated Greg Holmes (UTEP) (1 up)
  • Jacob Presutti (UTEP) conquered Brett Reid (LU) (1 more)
  • Ike joy (LU) beat Patrick Foley (UTEP) (3&2)




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