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Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor dies at 79

Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor dies at 79


Hill played a larger role in The Lord of the Rings like Thoden, the king of Rohan. Initially aged prematurely and weakened by the evil conniving wizard Saruman, he regains his vitality through the good wizard Gandalf.

He gradually awakens to the need to fight Saruman, declaiming phrases of weary resolution like Let Them Come and So It Begins. He leads the Rohirrim, the horsemen of his army, in a victorious and decisive battle in The two towers but dies leading a charge in similar circumstances The king's return.

Alan Lee (back left), illustrator of Children of Húrin, a book by JRR Tolkien, and Bernard Hill who played King Théoden in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

Alan Lee (back left), illustrator of Children of Húrin, a book by JRR Tolkien, and Bernard Hill who played King Théoden in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.Credit: Getty

His notoriety in these films, however, did not reflect the extent of his career. Talk to The Oxford Studenta college newspaper, Hill said the role that changed his life was one few Americans had heard of: Yosser Hughes, an unemployed Liverpool resident with a penchant for headbutting, on British television at early 1980s.

Bernard Hill was born on December 17, 1944 in Blackley, a small town outside Manchester, England. His father was a miner and his mother worked in the kitchens.

As a teenager, Hill worked in construction and didn't know any actors, but ended up quitting his job and going to drama school at Manchester Polytechnic (now known as Manchester Metropolitan University). He graduated in 1970.

He first played Yosser Hughes in The black things (1980), a television film written by Alan Bleasdale, who wrote the role of Hills for him. Hill asked the writer what the character was like. Well, this is a guy who will smash meat and potato pies over his head and headbutt lampposts! Bleasdale responded in response, Hill recalled in a 2002 BBC interview.

Bernard Hills Yosser Hughes resonated with British viewers.

Bernard Hills Yosser Hughes resonated with British viewers. Credit: ABC

The character, which Hill reprized in a 1982 miniseries, Blackstuff Boys, caught fire with the British public for his comic pathos in trying to support his three children alone and out of work. It was particularly identified by a slogan which symbolized anger at Margaret Thatcher's austerity policies, delivered in the Liverpudlian vernacular: Gizza job. Come on, gigza job! I can do it.

Actor Bernard Hill at the 2004 Fellowship Festival, aimed at fans of JRR Tolkien, at Alexandra Palace, London.

Actor Bernard Hill at the 2004 Fellowship Festival, aimed at fans of JRR Tolkien, at Alexandra Palace, London.Credit: Getty

When Hills Works as Yosser Hughes appeared on American television in 1987, New York Times Television critic John J. O'Connor praised his performance as a powerful tour de force, his eyes constantly conveying Yosser's bottomless despair and endless panic. Around the same time, The temperature also praised Hill for playing the role of bouncer at a seedy nightclub with a splendid void in No surrendera 1986 film whose screenplay was also written by Bleasdale.

His survivors include a fiancée, Alison, and a son, Gabriel.

When the BBC asked this miner's son about the glamor of THE the Lord of the Rings first, he opposed them.

Well, it's like running a marathon in a fur coat, Hill said. It's hard work, but it looks glamorous from the outside.

This article was originally published in The New York Times.




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