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Bride Caught Her Future Mother-in-Law Trying On Her Wedding Dress

Bride Caught Her Future Mother-in-Law Trying On Her Wedding Dress


A bride seeks advice online after she says she caught her future mother-in-law trying on her wedding dress and asked her to pay for a new one.

The bride posted on popular Reddits AITA Forums that she had bought her wedding dress weeks ago because she was planning to marry her fiancé soon. However, after purchasing it, she said her future mother-in-law kept pestering her to want to try it on due to her love and obsession with wedding dresses . She even offered the bride $100 for the chance to wear it.

The bride said that one day, when she came home early, her fiancé panicked and tried to stop her from entering his room while texting someone on the phone. When the bride finally entered the room, she said she was surprised by what she saw.

I opened the door and was shocked to see her mother standing there, wearing my dress, she wrote on Reddit. I immediately took out my phone and took a photo of her in it.

The bride then told her fiancé's mother that she had to buy her a new dress in three days or she would show the photo to the whole family. This prompted the woman to cry while her fiancé claimed she had exploded and overreacted.

I refused to listen to her because in my opinion the dress should only be worn by the bride and groom only, she explained, adding that she did not want to be vicious, but she wanted demand accountability from his future mother-in-law.

Honestly, I felt disgusted looking at the dress again, I don't want it anymore. And so I think it's only fair that she pays me after ruining everything for me, the bride-to-be added.

She said her fiancé yelled at her and told her to stop treating her mother like she was the enemy. He then left and has lived with his mother ever since.

In an update, she shared that her fiancé offered to pay for the dress himself, but also wanted her to give him her phone so he could delete the photo of his mother, as well as apologize with his mother and leave his family group. chat and log out of Facebook for a month.

Several people in the comments not only took the bride's side, but also noted that her fiancé played a role in this situation. Dozens of responses indicated that her problem was not with her future mother-in-law but rather with her fiancé.

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One person wrote: Are you sure you want to marry this guy? He was standing guard outside your room so his mother could try on your wedding dress. Do you think he will ever defend you against her?

Another person commented: He knowingly went behind your back to help his mother try on your dress. He knew it was wrong, he knew you would be upset and yet he did it anyway. Then he redoubled his efforts and defended his mother when you caught them. You don't have a MIL problem, you have a husband problem.

Why are you continuing the marriage? Return the dress and the fiancé, another simply wrote.




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