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LCWU wins first Pink Games, PU follows closely – Newspaper

LCWU wins first Pink Games, PU follows closely – Newspaper


LAHORE: Lahore College Women University won the first Chief Minister Pink Games with 477 points, which concluded at the Nishtar Sports Complex here on Sunday.

In the four-day event in which female athletes from twenty universities participated, the LCWU took home eight gold, three silver and one bronze medals.

The University of Punjab was ranked second and came close to winning with a total points of 459, claiming five golds, two silvers and one bronze.

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz was the chief guest at the closing event as she distributed prizes among top teams and athletes. She reached the complex by metro bus after inaugurating the rebuilt Shahdara (metro) station earlier in the day.

In total, Punjab University girls won four events (archy, cricket, badminton and table tennis) from seven matches, LCWU emerged victorious in two matches (athletics and basketball), while Superior University managed to win the hockey title.

Punjab Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Malik Faisal Ayub Khokhar and Director General Sports Pervez Iqbal congratulated the winning teams and appreciated the discipline of the runners-up.

In hockey, Superior University defeated Government College Women University (GCWU) by a narrow margin of 4-3 on penalties on pitch-2 of the National Hockey Stadium. Exciting match with one goal each during the allotted time.

Punjab University defeated Bahauddin Zakaria University 4-0 in the third position match.

In the basketball final, LCWU defeated University of Sargodha by a huge margin of 98-5. Hamda and Alishba scored 18 and 16 points respectively for the winners.

In the third position match, GCU defeated Government College Women University Sialkot 37-4. Muqaddas and Eisha scored 14 and seven points respectively for the victorious teams.

In the final of tape-ball cricket, Punjab University defeated LCWU by 65 runs to win the coveted title.

Punjab University batted first and scored 122 runs in the allotted overs while LCWU could score only 57 runs in reply.

In the table tennis final, PU defeated Kinnaird College 3-1. In the final day matches, Zainab defeated Waqar Tania 3-0, 11-7, 11-9, 11-5, Alishba defeated Hadia Noor 3-1, 11-5, 11-8, 13-11, Laila defeated Mahnoor with 3-1 12-10, 11-7, 11-3 and Alishba defeated Zainab Waqar 3-2 11-7, 11-8, 11-8, 11-7.

In the third position match, LCWU defeated GCU Lahore. Maryam defeated Ayesha 3-1 11-7, 11-9, 119, 13-11, Khadija defeated Syeda 3-0 11-4, 11-8, 11-3 and Zoha defeated Ayesha 3-0 11-7 , 11-8, 11-4.

In the badminton final, PU won the gold medal with 100 points. The University of Lahore took second place with 80 points, followed by FCCU Lahore, which took the bronze medal with 60 points.

In the badminton final, PU defeated University of Lahore 3-0. Sehar (PU) defeated Muqaddas (UOL) 21-9, 24-22 in the first single match. Zainab & Samiya (PU) defeated Marium & Maria (UOL) 21-6, 21-8 in the first doubles match and Zainab (PU) defeated Maneeza (UOL) 21-6, 21-3 in the second singles match.

FCCU defeated BZU 3-0 in the 3rd position match.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister, while speaking on the occasion, congratulated all the winners and those who competed well in the competition.

Maryam asked the Punjab Sports Council to expand the games to the entire province. She said that sports facilities would also be given to the women of other divisions of Punjab. She also praised the level of competition in women's sports and hoped that many future stars would also emerge from these games.

She said that after the Pink Games, the Punjab League would also be held across Punjab.

Cash prizes of Rs 10 million were distributed among 321 individual and team winners.

Published in Dawn, May 6, 2024




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